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Aspen Art Conundrum

It seems that everybody in Aspen wants to fight about something.  Aspen has 5000 residents, 2500 voters and 100,000 opinions.  Currently one of the most controversial subjects in Aspen is the proposed new building for the Aspen Art Museum (AAM) at the Wienerstube site.  It's an Aspen Art Conundrum.  Click Off Off Season for more pix.

Record turnout for Aspen Business Lunch. Todd & Terry.Todd Shaver, host of the weekly Aspen Business Luncheon provided the venue for a discussion about the new AAM.  Shaver created a platform for The AAM, their opposition, Saving Aspen's Character (SAC) and The City of Aspen (The City) to explain their positions regarding the Aspen Art Conundrum.  It was a record turnout for the Aspen Business Luncheon as more than 120 people attended, and many more were turned away at the door.

The tension in the room was thick.  Moderator Terry Hale opened by saying "like any family", Aspen needs to "talk about their issues".   A-Spin will try to simplify this complex set of circumstances and a long history for you.  We'll twiterize it--- so to speak.

AAM ready to move forward. JP and Heidi.AAM:   AAM wants to build a  beautiful new museum in the core of Aspen.   They want it very badly.  They want it badly enough to embrace a controversial deal with The City and the developer.  They have the drive and the private funding to accomplish their goal.  AAM provides great community services and raises the cultural bar in our little mountain town.  They want to create a legacy in Downtown Aspen....but at what emotional cost? 

Saving Aspen's Character. NIMBY's or concerned citizens? Steve and Richie.SAC:  SAC has 2 major objections to the proposed museum.  The size, scope and mass of the project and the lack of "due process" in the approval of the project.   Its a given  in Aspen that any large project will receive tremendous scrutiny, but this group seems well organized and quite serious.  The design element is subjective--so we'll stay out of that one,  the lack of due process issue is a potential keg of dynamite.

THE CITY:  The City has turned down several development proposals for this site.  The owner/developer felt "abused by the process" and that "their rights were violated".  The developer filed suit.  The City defended themselves successfully, but appeals are pending.  Apparently there is a possibility that the verdict will be over-turned and The City could have a large potential liability.  In order to settle the suit The City negotiated a 3-way deal between AAM, the Developer and themselves.  Wut up at City HallThe design process was fast-tracked and approved.  According to The City, the design is compliant with their zoning codes and the public review process is never mandatory.  Questions arrose:  1)How/why did The City back themselves into such a difficult corner? What were they thinking?  Did they violate the site owner's rights?  2) Did The City think their fast-tracked approval would go unnoticed?  Did they take an "end around" to cover themselves?

CONCLUSION:  This seems like a perfect case study for CONSENSUS BUILDING.  Maybe we can all work together as a community to resolve the ASPEN ART CONUNDRUM.     We get it, AAM wants a new home. They have the power and the $$$ to pull it off.  They have a proverbial target on their back no matter what they do.  SAC does not seem to be against  the concept of a new museum downtown.  They are against the size of the proposed building and the "back-door" deal that was made.  Are they NIMBY's or responsible citizens with valid concerns?  It seems like The City was willing to change their own rules and processes to suit their needs.  Their actions seem sneaky , borderline dis-honest even if they can justify them somehow.  Can there be a solution?  

The Usual suspects in the food line at Aspen Business Lunch.The City ,the AAM and the SAC need to work this out ASAP.  It should not be that difficult.  Everyone needs to give up a little.  The design needs to be modified--maybe slightly, perhaps a higher percentage of FAR below grade.  The SAC needs to accept change and realize that a world-class museum (even one without a permanent collection) is an asset to Aspen.  The City needs to look in the mirror and be accountable for their actions.  They need to build a consensus.  This Aspen Art Conundrum won't be swept under the rug.  Step up people-- lets work together instead of  in opposition. 

The opinion of AspenSpin is just that--an opinion.  Everyone has one.

See more OFF OFF SEASON pix.  Click it.

Can't we all just get along??? Click for more pix. Off Off Season.


Travel Time in Aspen

This movie is fiction.  All people and events are fictitious.  Any similarities to real people or events is pure coincidence.  Do you think its funny?


Referendum 2A in Aspen

I'm for SMART MARKETING.  I'm for smart marketing in Aspen. Vote NO on 2A.I am opposed to Referendum 2A in Aspen, the proposed 1% increase in lodging tax.  Taxing the guests is not a good solution.  I am voting NO on 2A.

I have heard all the rhetoric about the benefits of 2A. Some of our esteemed business leaders have said that the extra 1% is an “absolute necessity” to market Aspen.  I’ve heard people in power say the extra tax will “create jobs”.  I’ve been assured that our occupancy tax is “much lower” than other markets.   I’ve even reviewed the “measurable results” of Aspen’s current marketing efforts that were provided by ACRA.  I’m not impressed by any of these arguments to raise the lodging tax. 

Tourists today are more value oriented than ever before---even the super-wealthy tourists that frequent Aspen. Tacking on an extra 1% to hotel bills at the end of each guest stay might not even get noticed.  Overall occupancy costs in Aspen are already extremely high---what’s an extra 1%---right???  PRICE is the #1 objection to Aspen.

I’m most concerned about 2A because it will use public money to promote private agendas.  I’m also worried about creating a $1 million annuity via the increased tax and granting it to a marketing organization that has shown very little creativity or marketing savvy in the past.  I’m troubled about the accountability and the transparency in the use of the funds raised by 2A.  How is the money going to be spent???   Using the “same ol’ same ol’” marketing strategies won’t cut it with today’s sophisticated traveler.  

Aspen has one of the best “brand names” in tourism.  In today’s digital age, we don’t need to throw more money at marketing --we need to produce compelling campaigns with the marketing money we already have.  We need to create innovative and unique promotions that result in a call to action from prospective guests.  We need to work together as a community, forming one consistent message, to enhance and grow the unique market position that Aspen already possesses.  We need fresh ideas not another fiefdom supported by public funds.

Andrew M. Israel

Editor; AspenSpin.com


NEPSA Awards in Aspen

The NEPSA Awards is the unofficial kickoff to ski season in Aspen. Its always a huge night.  NEPSA (Aspen spelled backwards) offers cash prizes to amateur filmmakers as well as a "home field" venue to showcase their work.  The super-rowdy crowd, mostly locals, is full of energy and love for snowsports. 

 Due to AspenSpin's extended stay in ski-hab we missed NEPSA for the first time since its inception 6 years ago.  Although we were absent from the Ski-porn, we're happy to report that new blood topped the  NEPSA podium in 2010.  Local shredders Doran LayBourn and Aaron G. Hooper took home the $2000 first place price with their flick; GOOD to GO.  Laybourn who was injured in a terrible back country accident with a snowmobile in 2007 is apparently  back in Aspen and Good to Go for Winter 2010/11.  Yeeeaaaahh boy!!

Thanks to Zach Hooper for sharing his photos with us.  See his work at ZACHHOOPERPHOTO.com

Aaron G. Hooper: Getting his paper right.

Laybourn, Hooper and the "not messing around "crew. NEPSA 2010 Champions in Aspen


Greg Boyd --always ready 2 rip.


Naka G on the wheels of steel.

NEPSA after party with TGR screening on top of Ajax.

 Beer line at the Wheeler Opera House.


Ocktoberfest in Aspen

 If AspenSpin was not swimming in the Pacific Ocean we'd be killing it at NEPSA, The Meeting and Ocktoberfest in Aspen.  We're gona try to put some sick pix up for you anyway.