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Aspen RoofTop Comedy 


LIVE;  Via AspenSpin.com

Click the banner.

Click to Watch the Aspen Rooftop Comedy Festival---LIVE


Snowmass Chili Pepper & Brew Fest.

Beers, Beans and Bands.Snowmass Chili & Brew Festival.

 The 6th annual Snowmass Chili Pepper & Brew Festival kicked off the summer season in Aspen.  Snowmass to be accurate.  Rowdy guests and locals had two days to chug almost 100 different brews, sample chili from the International Chili Society sanctioned cook-off and jam to live music  performed from the state-of-the-art  mountain stage in Snowmass.

Chili cook offs are serious biz in Colorado.  Chili chefs came from all over the country to compete.  The Snowmass Chili  Pepper & Brew winner earns a coveted spot in the Chili World Championships, with $35,000 in prize money up for grabs.

Its a fiery hot, combustable combo when you mix BEER, BEANS and BIG Time BANDS in a beautiful mountain setting. That's how we roll. Needless to say, a great time was had by all.  

Snowmass Chili Pepper & Brew fest kicked a$$.

Unreal @ Snowmass. Photo: Jeremy Swanson. click the pic. to see more from Jeremy.

Snowmass hosted the 6th annual Chili Pepper & Brew Festival Beer Pix: Olga Moleva                                                                                                                                                                                   












 Pepper Jam: Photo EatAspen.com 

Hot Peppers w/ Katrina and Katie: Photo EatAspen.com


Twitter, bitches !!

Operation Smile at TwtrCon. click 4 pixSF has it all. Beauty, history, culture, art, ocean, hills, parks, sports, sex, drugs, rock and roll, cuisine, urban grittiness etc etc. It's probably the most wired city in the world.  AspenSpin is on assignment in SF. We're grabbing it all,  in the 7x7mile playground known as THE CITY. Get Some!!

This week we went back2back for two extremely interesting and influential tech conferences; TWTRCON 09 and Ypulse. Here's the quick and dirty.

TWTRCON: a one day (Sunday) event focusing on Twitter for Business. Twitter = "micro-blogging". Its the fastest growing form of communication amongst the tech-noids and early adopters. Tweeting, however is quickly becoming more and more mainstream. Yes, Twitter seems weird (and useless at first), but the platform allows you to communicate (using 140 characters or less) with whomever you want, about whatever you want, whenever you want. Its all done instantly. You can follow anyone, or block anyone. The rules have not been written---so you can discover new ways to use the service--and its absolutely free. The best way to experience Twitter is to try it for yourself. Here's a key hint, be authentic, keep it real!! Follow us on Twitter, we'll give you the cliff notes: click @ASPENSPIN.

Guy Kawasaki face2face with Virgin America. click 4 pix.Twitter forces you to keep your message short & sweet (140 letters). Succinctness is a blessing.  The best explanation of the Twitter phenomenon is this; Twitter is an instant measure of sentiment, it's what's happening right now.  The conference touched on subjects such as personal branding, brand awareness, corporate marketing, customer service, tweeting for dollars and the future of Twitter. Its a proven concept that Word of Mouthis the most effective form of marketing. Twitter-- and u can quote me --"it's WOM on Steroids" 

MC Hammer tweets up the Phoenix Suns. click 4 pixThe networking via old fashioned face2face was off the hizzzzay. Some of the most influential "Twitteratti" in the USA attended,  tweeting it like mo fo's. @MCHammer @Comcastcares @BrianSolis @GuyKawasaki @AdventureGirl @Pistachio @SunsWebmaster and @AspenSpin. See the pix at TWITTER / Ypulse.

Ypulse:It's a platform for youth media and marketing professionals. Ypulse threw their 2-day industry mashup in SF. Some of the most beloved youth brands in the world were represented on the agenda and in the audience. The focus of this event - how to market to today's youth. Per key note speaker Josh Shipp from HeyJOSH.com... "kids don't care about your brand, they care about your story" and "don't under estimate the power of girls and free cookies".

Action sports in the house @ Ypulse. Click 4 pix.We received insight from major brands including Levi's, Disney (great swag), MTV, Nokia and others. We learned that today's teens aren't really twittering yet (but they will). Right now, its all about SMS and Facebook. My Space is "dead to me". In fact with younger people, e-mail is dead too.  It's all about the mobile device. Oh yeah, gaming is HUGE. Television is not dead yet,  kids still watch, but its on in the background now, with the computer blasting full steam simultaneously. Bill Carter of Fuse,shared some academic research from UMass: only 10% of teens approve of in-game or text ads. Teens are losing interest in celebs and pro-athletes as endorsers, but personality is a key, even if its a fictional one. Over 70% of teens analyse a product on the web before purchasing.Girlz and Cupcakes: Click 4 pix.

It was good to see some of our "action sports" friends in the house. The North Face, Red Bull, Nike (Nemo), Group Y and a couple of siiiiiick action indie filmakers represented nicely. So via the power of osmosis, A-Spin is taking it to the next level. Thaz right, "funemployment" is over.

Hit the deluxe pix.@ TWITTER / Ypulse


Bigger than Google ???

                               A ski bum's view:

CEO of Google Dr. Eric Schmidt welcomed the crowd to i/o 09Tech season started off with a bang in San Francisco.  Google i/o, always a highlight, brings together nearly 4000 engineers and one ski bum.   The purpose of Google i/o (input / output) is to rap about code, inspire app.s, and generally get your geek on.  At this conference, the engineers, developers and super-nerds are king.    Open Bar-- who cares?,  "did you see the developers sand-box??"

This is A-Spin's second season covering Google i/o.  Click our rookie report and photo album here .Pre game in the blogger pen.

So HTML 5 is huge, open source is huge.  Its all about the browser and UI.  Mobile is huge.  Google's business model is simple, and we para-phrase here---- grow and improve the web, Google wins. More web users = more cash for Google.  CEO, Eric Schmidt reminded the room that "power brings simplicity and scalability".  Surprise guests from Palm, Mozilla and Lego confirmed the "open sourceness" of Google IO2009.

Vic Gundotra and the engineering super stars @ Google i/o 09                                           4000 engineers + 1 ski bum.Click the new ANDROID phone we picked up at the scwag-wagon.  Check out Google WAVE, its the future of communication on the web.  its like a document and a wiki and an e-mail stream all bundled together.  We're not really sure why??  ...but its gonna be huge.da boyz coding under the screen shades.

Geek chow line. Free ANDROID phones for everyone. Lars, inventor of Google Maps, now ridin' the WAVE.


I can't hear Jeremy Roenick

Jeremy Roenick has the biggest mouth in hockey.  He claimed (from the sidelines) that RedWings coach Mike Babcock hates American players like Chris Chelios.

Jeremy Roenick: Zero, Stanley Cup Rings

 Rocky Dennis from Mask.