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Air Supply

Air Guitar is serious business. 

The 2008 Cuervo Black US Air Guitar Championship is up for grabs, and the 2472053-1251939-thumbnail.jpg
Stryker rocks Aspen
competition is getting fierce.   Aspen's regional provided a major lift to the 25 city tournament as STRYKER (right) "went huge" and "mashed it".  He will be a favorite in the National finals in SF on August 8, 2008.   Stryker will have his hands full, however, as local product AWESOME (below, right) has "da skilz" and easily took the SF regional.

We attended a press conference for the SOLD OUT contest in SF---and these people are INTENSE.  Big time Air-lickers--- Ricky Stinkfingers, Bjorn Turoque and Hot Lixx Hulahan were questioned by a huge throng of mainstream media.  They were asked questions about SEX, DRUGS and ROCK and ROLL.   "Hell Yes" was their group response.  Bjorn Turoque who starred in the feature film Air Guitar Nation and hosted the event, elaborated, "we party, we rock, we conquer". Turoque is known for his signature move "the mid-song splif".1637062-1678477-thumbnail.jpg
Stinkfingers, Turoque and Hulahan @ the presser.

When queried about Aspen's champ--STRYKER,---- the boyz seemed to get a bit 1637062-1678484-thumbnail.jpg
Awesome 'air-ed it out" in SF
nervous.  Stinkfingers spoke for the trio when he threateningly stated "the air is pretty thick down here at sea level".  We over-heard, "Stryker will be destroyed when he gets to San Fran, they'll have to air-lift him out of the state".  Big words from a guy who recently passed out while riding his bicycle, note the road rash.

Stay tuned A-Spinners---this is just getting good.  The US finals are August 8, 2008. The madness is almost upon us. 

We're gonna get AIR-IF-IED.


Summer Rips

They're still  ripping up in Aspen......still?  Really?  Hoosier turned Aspen local Nate Berkel got some late-late season air time at the Snowmass terrain park. Photo journalist  Jordan Curet snapped him in action yesterday.


Ms. Curet (below, on top of Mountain Boy has been sharing pix with us this summer.  Below, right, Berkel grinds it out showing off the tools of his trade from Aspen's local ski manufacturer High Society FreeRide.1637062-1674298-thumbnail.jpg1637062-1674818-thumbnail.jpg  

click these pix to enlarge.


See more from Jordan. Click here.



It's Tuesday-----let's party.

Tuesday's have become the new Saturday in Aspen.  That's because Tuesday is the day that Michael Fox of THE ASPEN CLUB likes to throw down. 

So if you're in Aspen and 1637062-1667071-thumbnail.jpgyou're reading this ----get on over to The Aspen Club, TODAY between 5 pm and 8pm---- for eats, drinks, and a kick A$$ D.J.   Tuesday's with Michael is a FREE family friendly event, on the outdoor deck at the club.        Repeat: FREE!     BIG time DJ Brian Howe, who spins his own show on XM Radio will be in da house to keep it groovin'. 

Each Tuesday with Michael will raise awareness for a different local non-profit organization (NPO).  We've been told that there will be "no direct solicitations" at the event, it's just a PARTY----- BIG fun.   So bring everybody to The Aspen Club today to help create synergy for many worthwhile NPO's in  Aspen.

Tonight's bash will honor  Komen / Aspen , the local affiliate of the nation-wide organization that is fighting to cure breast cancer.   Susan G. Komen for the Cure, has 125 affiliate offices and more than 100,000 activists across the country.  Komen started as a "grass roots" organization, just like us ---that's one reason why we love it so much.   Since 1982,  Susan G. Komen for the Cure has funded more than $1billion to help find a cure for breast cancer.  Breast cancer affects 1 out of every 8 women.

pink.jpgKomen / Aspen will be hosting their super-popular Race for the Cure on July 19, 2008 @ 8.30 am.  The 5K event runs along the gorgeous Rio Grande Trail.  The Race for the Cure is so family friendly, that they even have  a "doggie division".   Click:  Komen / Aspen for all the details.  The serious freaks will be shooting to crack the 16 minute mark, but everybody else will go at their own pace, competitive or social.  More than 2000 racers will participate in Aspen raising more than $500,000.   75% of the money raised here, is employed locally, while 25% goes to Komen / National for groundbreaking R & D. 

It's not to late to PINK UP




What does Aspen Spin have in common with the US SKI TEAM, US Snowboarding, The NBA Players Assoc., USA Triatholon, USA Cycle and the National Academy of Sports Medicine?   Nothing, Right????  Right????

Turns out we all got turned on to Flex-Power Pain Relief Cream

Somewhere after the first million VERTS those little aches and pains start to set in.  In1637062-1664082-thumbnail.jpg fact, in April, we tweaked a knee during POW DAY #37  (ski day #91), on WALSH's (shhhh Kind Bowl).  Ever since its been a nagging problem.  We had the M.D.s and the D.O's check it out.  MRI, EKG, EMG, DUI, NCAA, you name it-----if Blue Cross covered it --the Doc.s tried it.  Turns out the final diagnosis-- " too much turn-age". 

At the end of the season, A-Spin tried all the pain relievers, Motrin & Red Bull, Vioxx (that's right we risked it), Chinese Ultra Balm, Herbal Wood-Lock oil, even Medical Cannabis ---anything you can name.  Nothing has worked like Flex-Power.   Flex-Power relieves the pain with no medicinal scent, and with a gradual, penetrating HEAT.  It makes our knee feel young again.  You're thinkin'---it's 'roids, right?.  No way, it's "a" cream, ---not ----"the cream".

Just like our hero's --Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Hank Aaron, Chan Ho Park and others, Aspen Spin is ridin' like the pro's.  We're ridin' odor free with FLEX-POWER.




You're probably clickin' in here looking for pix of Jazz Aspen SnowMass.  We should have a few "good ones" in a couple days.

During our internship in SF, we couldn't resist a little "wango-tango". 

TED NUGENT @ THE FILLMORE.  The MotorCity Mad Man brought his hard driving show to one of the most famous venues in music -------The Original FILLMORE.  Click for some history.

A-Spin went all access to get a few words in with Terrible Ted.  "I played here in '67 with the Amboy Dukes, motherf#@)er" he shouted.   When reminded of the "infamous" S/L H. S. gym show in '73, the NUGE ranted, "I was the only Black guy there".  He paused and then free-associated, ----- "I like to hunt 'em, shoot 'em, ---kill 'em ---cook 'em---and eat 'em, -----you know what I mean, motherf#@)er?"  

Yeah Ted, --- we know what you mean.
