

Living the Dream in Aspen: Skiing, Lifestyle, Parties, Events, Travel, Gossip, Society, Entertainment, Restaurants and Bars, Nightlife, Photographs.

The POW, the PIX, the PEOPLE.

Go BIG, or Go Home.

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Creative Coalition

Aspen Spin is teaming up with some of the most talented writers and photographers in the Valley this Summer.  We're opening up our web-waves to bring you some new and interesting offerings.  You can join in too.  Let your creative juices flow on AspenSpin.com.  All you have to do is capture the spirit and culture of Aspen.  The people, the parties, the events, the natural beauty, the outdoor activities, the music, etc.  You too can be an editor on AspenSpin.com.  Send your best stuff to--  AspenSpin@gmail.com .

This photo is from Dina Bloom, a siiick local free-heeler and lens artist.  She recently spent some time workin' it in Alaska.  The shot is a spooky, but beautiful image of the famous Turnagain Arm in AK.  See more of Dina's work at www.DinaBloomphoto.com .



Kick A$pen

Off-season is quiet, but not that quiet.   Two HUGE events occurred this week. The 80's Aspen Prom was last night and, oh boy, we're still recovering.  Also, - GAME ON - for the second season of ULTIMATE Kick Ball League (UKBL) at the Snowmass Rec. Center.   Click into KICK A$PEN to see the pix.  1637062-1540983-thumbnail.jpg
Click 4 Jordan Curet's Kick-Ball pix

Click here for Kick A$pen pix.


May Day / Pow Day

WTF ??  It was sooooo beautiful earlier this week in Aspen.  Upper 50's, sunny and the bluest, blue sky you can imagine.  The hiking and biking has been so good ---even Ski-hab seems O.K.  Then May came and we got 6" to 8"of heavy, Spring POW (in town), more up top--- and we all relapsed.  Earn your Turns, brah.

There's some news for those of you who actually read AspenSpin.com.  We're expanding.  Details are sketchy---but we'll --- PAY - U - 2- PARTY              beer%20mug.jpg

Click- AspenSpin@gmail.com  to earn BEER MONEY.

Click in,--- Contact us---simple as pie.    That's how we roll.



Turn out the lights....  The "fat lady" sang at Aspen Highlands this weekend.  Put it in the record books.  The BEST SEASON EVER, 2007-08 is officially over and out. 

We got two bonus and EPIC weekends @ AH--- thanks to Aspen Ski Co.  The Final, Final Day was 4/27/08, -- and it was one siiiiiick Sunday.   The sun finally came out (it felt sooooooooo good, ------burning on the skin).  The music and the beer were flowing and the snow was like "sweet, sweeeeeet-- cream of corn".  The locals got to GO FOR IT --one more time.  Whether you were hiking the Bowl, skimming the pond, or just hangin'----it was all good clean fun.  That's the kind of fun you can't get via web cam.

At A-Spin, we're singing KUM BA YAH, and trying to deal with reality (sort of).  We're already doing squats and radical core work preppin' for next season.   For now---- beach time.   But...  the SUMMER HEAT is a coming-------- and they're calling it ---- ASPENSPIN.com   So get ready to rock it in the Rockies-- bi-atchs!!!  


Click this image or PEACE/OUT for more shots.   Photo: Jordan Curet www.SportsShooter.com/jcuret



The Aspen Spinnie Awards

Aspen Spin has been in SKI-HAB for over a week now, although, we did fall off the wagon, last Saturday at Aspen Highlands.  It's been very difficult to go cold turkey, but our Orthopaedic Surgeon ordered us to stay off the sticks for at least 30 days.  

Lack of skiing has given us time to "nerd out" and figure out how to present    ----- The first ever ASPEN SPINNIE AWARDS on the web.   THE SPINNIEs have aired on GrassRoots TV12 about 50 times and they've received rave reviews and huge ratings.  If you're not an Aspen Local,we present The Spinnies,on-line,just for you. 

Hours and hours of "tech geekiness" were spent to convert the TV show DVD to Youtube----  so please watch.   Also note that the 20 seconds deafening silence at the beginning of part 1 could not be avoided, so be patient---it'll eventually start with a bang.  Part 1 is 8min45sec and Part 2 is 9min50sec. If you have technical difficulties---we're sorry, but our help desk is on break, call 911.

Get some popcorn, buckle your seatbelt and prepare yourself for the fastest 1/2 hour in Aspen TV history---  The ASPEN SPINNIES.