2009 Summit for Life

Team Joyful at Summit for Life in Aspen.
The 4th Annual Summit for Life took place in Aspen, Colorado last night.
Olympic Athlete Chris Klug and his foundation, The Chris Klug Foundation hosted it. In most places a 2 1/2 mile hike, at night, in December---with a 3,267 ft vertical rise would be considered crazy. In Aspen --- it's "a decent work-out".
AspenSpin.com has Aspen Mayor, Mick Ireland kicks for the finish. click 4 pix.covered all four previous Summit for Life events. We support CKF's mission of raising awareness for Organ and Tissue donation. This year over 350 people hiked Aspen Mountain during Summit for Life. AspenSpin.com has helped CKF raise over $10,000 via our on-line affliation with Charity Buzz. You can register for organ donation yourself and/or donate to the cause by clicking CHRIS KLUG FOUNDATION.
You can see our BEST PIX by clicking DONER DUDES.
Chris Klug and the team from Board Werks atop AJAX. Click 4 pix.
Ricky Gates, center, Summit for Life's fastest uphiller with family and friends. click 4 pix.
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