More action than Tiger Woods.

Syzygy Grand Opening w/ Aspen Mag. was only one of the highlights. Click 4 pixSpeaking of Tiger Woods. Did you hear about that? In the real world--he may be a playa, .....but in Aspen......"just another guy with a plane, tryin' to hook up." Aspen has more action than even Tiger can handle. Our schedule this week was thick w/ events. Click Aspen Action to re-cap the past few days.
The skiing has been good.... not great. We've had a couple minor POW days. Luckily, AspenSpin caught the rope droppings on Face of Bell and we did get a few freshies. As always, we are hoping for da POW. Lately its hard-pack city. The Little Nell Hotel in Aspen celebrated its 20th Aniversary. Aspen Ski Co. CEO Mike Kaplan and his wife Laura at the legendary event 12/17/09. Click 4 pix.
ASPEN ACTION contains pix from the following events that occured this week.
* Robert Randolph and the Family Band played @ (insert venue name)
* Caribou Club (late, late night)
* Lance Armstrong @ Explore Book Sellers
* WOW Customer Service @ Limelight
* Tesla Event @ Limelight
* Aspen History 101 @ Wheeler Opera House
* Syzygy Grand Opening w/ Aspen Mag
* The Little Nell 20th Anniversary Party
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