Aspen X-mas on FIRE

Snow Polo in AspenAfter a pretty quiet off-season, Aspen is on fire for Christmas. Hot, Hot, Hot. Today traditionally starts the decadence that we've come to expect.
Observations: from AspenSpin.
The mood is more upbeat than last year, but still muted compared to the peak, 2007.
People are getting crazier.
People like to list their residences in response to the opener-- "where u from"? Chicago, Paris and ....Aspen. London, Dubai and ....Aspen. New York, Palm Beach and.....Aspen. LA, Cabo and....Aspen. Pittsburg, Tampa ....and Aspen.---(all real responses). Remember people, time-shares don't count as a residence.
Texting on skis is not safe, especially on icy hard-pack. Texting in the middle of the mouse trap near lift 3 (Ajax Express) or tortilla flats where Spar meets Copper, or on Little Nell, below the berm is not smart.
Chicken Noodle soup replaced Curry/ Coconut at Sundeck ----no brainer. Adding more chairs at Sundeck, no brainer. More mats at the base of the Gondy--on the super-slippery concrete--WOULD be a no brainer---PLEASE!.
People are drinking more----and they like JOKA Vodka.
Charlie Sheen and his wife will work it out. (inside info).
Il Mulino is the new "it spot". The place is raging. Today, people were eating lunch outside---in like 10 degree temps. They've got it going on.
Click the pix ASPEN X-MAS
Lunch at Il Mulino in Aspen. Hot Hot Hot.
NYC Moguls ripping moguls on Ajax.
Love Grown Foods, Aspen. The best.
Treat yourself to a skin treatment. Dr. Ken Mark, 970-925-7730
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