The Last Lap

CannonBall . click 4 pixAspen's 2008/09 Ski Season came to a glorious end on Sunday 4-26 @ Aspen Highlands. It was an awesome season to be sure, and the super-stars of Aspen came out for THE LAST LAP. We experienced Winter & Spring conditions all in the same day as the unpredictable Rocky Mountain weather spit-up a final POW storm to close it out. It was freezing, windy and dumping in the morn.--followed by a bluebird afternoon. Ankle shots all day. What a way to go out. See the pix, click THE LAST LAP.
Sure the economy sux and all- but we get to crib & breathe it all up, right here in a little place we like to call Aspen, Colorado. The Roaring Fork Valley, ZG, A-Town, Fat City, the Capital of Skiing, Cougar-city---call it anything you want ---we call it siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.Jello shots? click 4 pix
AspenSpin registered 101 ski days this season. NOT BAD for a gaper. That's 101 ski dayz, in addition to all the insane partying that we documented for A-Spin. Special thanks go out to our equipment sponsors, they kept us properly geared-up all season: Kudos to KJUS, CLOUDVEIL, IBEX, BLIZZARD / TECNICA, & HIGH SOCIETY. Extra-special thanks to GORSUCH for the spectacular tunage and the fat boyz that we "borrowed" for all the really BIG days. Thanks to THE ASPEN CLUB for keeping us in shape (sort of) and to the boyz @ CRYSTAL PALACE GRILL for filling our belly with grub all season. ACRA was a great promotional partner. TREW GEAR, RED BULL & OAKLEY kept us swimming in swag all season. Our Real Estate partners RAIFIE BASS, RESORT QUEST and AJAX Real Estate are 100% ready to make a GREAT DEAL for you in Aspen---right now. DR. KEN MARK made us "camera ready" all Winter long with various botox treatments, derm-abrasions, zit cream and even a full-on face-lift. How do I look? Good enough to party @ CARIBOU CLUB---right?
Cougar Hunting? This is real.Congratulations go out to BERLONI AMERICA on the opening of their new big-daddy U.S. showroom. We want to share the luv with our affiliates VINTAGE SKI WORLD, STAY ASPEN/SNOWMASS, Buckaroo Builders, Aspen Skiing Company and CHARITY BUZZ, along with the hoards of non-profits we worked with all season including AAM, Susan Komen, Chris Klug Foudation, Shining Stars,SpingBoard, Aspen Deaf Camp, Aspen Historical Society, Grassroots TV etc. etc. A-Spin is not just about the parties and good times and stuff---we try to give back too. We helped raise over $100,000 (via on-line auctions and direct contributions) for various local charities. Again, not bad for a gaper
MOST OF ALL we want to congratulate YOU---the loyal, award winning readers of to those of you who posed for our long lens all season. Without your narcissism, hedonism and voyeuristic tendencies we would not exist. It's been a great ride, a fantastic voyage and a big BLAST for the past 3 years. We really are LIVIN' the DREAM in Aspen, Colorado. As we said from the start--Go BIG---or ? Well, we're still here Bi-atchs.

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