Hippie Hill

Haight Street Fair / VIPSummer is always chill in SF, not just the weather. AspenSpin took a field trip to Golden Gate Park, Hippie Hill and the 32nd Annual Haight Street Fair.
More people live in Golden Gate Park than live in the entire town of El Jebel. Some call 'em street people or vagrants, but we prefer the term hippies. There are no age limits either, older hippies, younger hippies & even a few middle aged hippies crash in the park, full time. A lot of these folks are mentally challenged, some are addicts, they have little or no money. Others are just living on the DL and digging the "bohemian" lifestyle. Some of the more "developed spots" in the dense woods are actually quite plush.
PatchMan. Haight / AshburyHippie Hill is a famous landmark in Golden Gate Park. Musical performers both legendary & not so legendary have played this sloping natural performance space since before the Summer of Love. George Harrison, Janis Joplin, Jerry & The Grateful Dead and others. The Drum Circle at hippie hill has been a meeting place for decades.
On Sunday's its a great place to bake off a hangover (if its warm & sunny--rare). We always sit a safe distance from the percussion sesh.---for da head.
There are hippies of all types. Whites, Blacks, Asians, Latins, Euros, wealthy, destitute, even canine. Its a chill scene. Low keyed vendors wander the crowd selling beer, smoke, and cannabis edibles. One pretty young, well dressed hippie girl, (me thinks, a trustafarian or maybe a hipputante) told us that her dad suggested that she come up from L.A. to "get her head right". She now sells homemade cannabis muffins to the crowd, "its a paradise", she grinned "I've been here for 3 years". One home-less beer vendor named "Step" sold P.B.R.'s from a Safeway cart, also filled with his belongings. "P.B.R.- $2 a can" he shouted then paused, and growled "$1.50 if your a hippie". "Are they cold?" he was asked. He just glared at the guy and kept stepping. Another "sales rep for da bud" approached & tried to generate demand. He assured everyone in the crowd, shouting "it's cool, all the cops know me". Generation Now.
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