Ski Tuners Ball

Ski Tuners Ball . #1 Party in Aspen. Click 4 pix.For 25 years in a row its been the same story. CG tries to put her foot down... "no Ski Tuners Ball, this year". Every year there is a lingering seed of doubt throughout the tech rooms of Aspen's ski shops. Every year GG comes home from a hard day at the office and says "c'mon honey, lets do it for the ski tuners, lets do it for Aspen".
Thank G-D, GG is a very persuasive dude....and he likes to tear the roof off the sucka. Thank G-D, CG lets him do it.
The SKI TUNERs BALL is the un-official kick-off event for ski season in Aspen.
Ski Tuners Ball. click for PixSki Tuners Ball, is iconic and beloved in Aspen. Scoring an invite is like findng a golden ticket. Somehow...every year... the chili gets cooked, the tequila gets chilled, the limes get cut and the drums start beating...and ski tuners, ski bums and ski lovers show up to party like it was 1899----No holds barred. After all it is a little place called ASSSS-Pen , where the beer flows like wine and beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.
HUGE thanks to GG and CG for rallying every year to throw the #1 party in Aspen. Thank you for keeping it real....and really fun again. POWDER DAYS and TEQUILA NIGHTS in Aspen forever.
Following the ball, we hit a ripping LUKAS NELSON Show at Belly UP.
Team Photo. Ski Tuners Ball Click 4 more pix.
Lukas Nelson Show at Belly Up capped off an EPIC Night in Aspen
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