Aspen Highlands: The Rave (part 2)

Aspen Highlands Closing Day 2010. Click 4 pixThe POW, the PIX, the PEOPLE--it all came together for Aspen Highlands closing day 2010. The entire staff of ripped a few early POWDER runs, then we attended a series of on-mountain parties (see separate posting below). Late in the day we rode one final lap at Aspen Highlands for 2010 and eventually joined the festivities at the base (already in progress). That's when things started to get blurry. AspenSpin snapped 1000's of photos at The Rave, but we can't remember anything. Blotto.
It was a full on RAVE at the base of Aspen Highlands. Music, booze, dancing, costumes, extra curriculars. Stimuli abounded. All five of our senses were tapped to the fullest. What really happened???? Only the camera knows.
Click The RAVE. See the pix. Were you there???

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