The Wharton Spin

The Wharton School. The name alone invokes preeminence. Established by The University of Pennsylvania in 1881, Wharton is the world's first-ever collegiate business school. Wharton has been producing MBA's, esteemed business leaders and white collar criminals for 129 years. Wharton's strict admissions process is extremely competitive and super-selective. In 2009, only 7% of applicants were accepted. Matriculates are held to rigid academic standards, both quantitatively and non-quantitatively. Graduates are paid out the A$$$$$$.
Until now terms like "shredding the gnar" "siiiiiiiiiick POW Day" "dude-bro" and "the 6 inch rule" were never before uttered amongst the ivy-clad walls of West Philadelphia. AspenSpin's Editor-in-Chief, Andy Party returned to Philly to celebrate a momentous reunion with his classmates. 25 years later, The MBA Class of 1985 reconvened to share notes on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This Wharton class fruitfully yielded Titans of Wall St., CEO's, academic thought leaders, entrepreneurs, industrial magnates, marketing guru's, real estate czars, politicians, soldiers and lots of success stories. WG 85 used all their power tools to climb to the top of the corporate ladder.
There was only one ski-bum in attendance....and he worked the room like a MO-FO....(some things never change). Lots of laughs and memories....and too many cheese steaks.
Time Value of Money. Click 4 Pix
Rowdy MBA types at Wharton
Ladies who laugh. Click 4 more pix.
Cash Money Brothers. At least those stripes are not grey and black.
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