The New York Time Machine

One WTC. Lower Manhattan.New York City is always changing. Newer, faster,'ll find it in the BIG APPLE. Surprisingly, many things about New York never change. Watering holes from 1904 or 1919...and even older. The same green grocer with the same surly clerk. You get the picture? The more things change the more they stay the same.
AspenSpin took a ride in the New York Time Machine for a few days last week. In many ways it was as if time stood still, in others a 180 degree change. It's been almost 15 years since A. Party cribbed full-time in the"city that never sleeps". There were some good times back in the 90's. Riding the greatest bull market for all it was worth, bustin' balls with my pallies in Central Park, drinkin' sodas (not pop), tossin' out shares in hot deals like they were bags of peanuts in the second row at MSG, "the world's most famous arena". Fashion Shows? Fegedaboutit...every day was effectively a three ring circus and that was just my daily commute from CPW to Rockefeller Center. AspenSpin owes a debt of gratitude to Page Six of the NY Post...a guilty pleasure at 6.30am hoofing it up 7th Ave on the way to work. Those steps were re-traced last week...and it felt pretty good down at sea level, walkin' the gritty streets of Gotham.
A.Party and Carnegie Deli. Perfect Match.One of my favorite places in The City no longer exists, The City Athletic Club, an oasis in the city. The Legendary CAC, a city club, was established in 1908 and unfortunately went defunct about 10 years ago. The CAC was a place where well-to-do Jewish gentlemen gathered to compete and fraternize because the NYAC would not allow Jews as members. In 2001, the generations old HQ building at 54th and 6th was sold to our neighbors, the Museum of Modern Art, for what seemed like a lot of money at the time. The past it's prime building with the lush wood paneled walls, the funkiest pool in the world, the tiny hoop court, where any 6-footer was called "big guy" and the greatest steam room ever was knocked down almost immediately upon the sale. The CAC was 2 blocks from my office and 6 blocks from my Apt. Let's just say there were plenty of Jewish triathalons goin' on at CAC, swim, steam shower. The place had so many idiosyncrasies and traditions it had a life of its own. Indoor softball?? Crazy. Until about 1999, The CAC was all men, and for some unknown reason, nude swimming was "required". Weird,... I know...but when the pool attendant Hymie (who worked at The CAC for more than 30 years) explained that it was a "house rule" I have to admit it, I freaked a little. Actually...once you get used to it...nude swimming is quite liberating...and it's easier to steer. You had to wear a coat and tie to the CAC...but back then I was dressing Brittish, and thinkin' Yiddish at Morgan Stanley (before Dean Witter) so no big deal.
Flash forward to 2011. A reunion. 10 years after The CAC's demise. We gathered at the NYAC which absorbed many of the CAC members into their 8000. Many of the older CAC members have died. Several of the CAC guys are "formerly wealthy". Apparently Bernard Madoff used to be a CAC member??? We hooped, we steamed, we wore blazers (house rule), we ate the hand-crafted buffet. There was a lot of love in that room. It was like time stood still.
The Boys from the CAC gathered again. 10/11/11 NYAC. Click 4 pix.
The Book of Morman lived up to the hype. Post show on 49th Streer with stars Andrew Rannells and Josh Gad.
Morning Meeting with Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park. Click 4 more pix.
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