Back 2 Work (on Ajax).

People think blogging and ski bumming is easy. It's not. Yesterday marked the official (my head is spinning due to all the first days) opening of MY OFFICE, Aspen Mountain, a.k.a. AJAX. 11/24/11.
Click 4 Pix: Back 2 Work (on Ajax)
First off the commute is hell....helllz yeah!! 3,267 vertical feet in the Gondola takes about 16 minutes, it can be torture sometimes depending on who you're riding with. My co-workers can be difficult also. On Ajax, I don't really worry about who moved my cheese; it's more like who poached my line?
The office politics can be fierce. Have you ever tried getting on the Gondy with the Dogs?? They Bite.
The dress code on Ajax kills me. I'm supposed to look good, every day, like a professional? Even after skiing every day and partying every night? Luckily I hooked up with KJUS whose stylie and functional outfits help me look sleek (well sleeker) every day. My party body is not really designed to wear the Euro cut...but Kjus makes it easy for me to climb up the corporate ladder.
The Meetings? There are plenty of conference rooms on Ajax. The warming hut at Peanut Butter Point has hosted some EPIC business discussions over the years. Some of The Shrines can serve the purpose. We convene at The Jerry Garcia Shrine, or the Jimi Hendrix Shrine or sometimes at the Buckaroo Shrine.
You get the picture...its a sweat shop on Ajax. Work, Work,'s crazy up there.
Click 4 pix: BACK 2 WORK (on AJAX)
StarPants is a super-hottie. Clay...not bad. Click 4 pix.
Ford and Ashley taking a work break. Click 4 pix.
Super Fast German World Cup Skiers.
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