Ski Gangs of Aspen.

The Ski Gangs of Aspen.The Buckaroos.A cessation of hostilities occurred last night in Aspen as the SKI GANGS of ASPEN convened in a peaceable fashion. The Aspen Historical Society played the role of Switzerland and The Mountain Chalet provided a neutral location as a truce was finally called. Ski Gang members wore their colors proudly and gathered in harmony to discuss their history, the fantastic memories and the camaraderie that is only obtained by shredding the GNAR with your people.
The Bell Mountain Buckaroos, The Dogs, The Bobs, The Powder Sluts, The Flyers, The Acme Racing Company and The Ski the Trees Foundation were well reperesented. Ski Gang members from such sets as Chicks on Sticks, The Bro's, The Menopausal Mama's, The Nachos and The Skizeers were also in attendance.
Most of the SKI GANGS of ASPEN were formed in the early 70's and continue to flourish to this very day. Its all good clean fun but the on-mountain gang rivalries exist and they are quite real. Groups of friends, skiing together, partying together and enjoying Aspen life to its fullest evolved into the various organizations. Customized hats and logo gear along with their distinctive personalities helped identify who was who back in the old days...and now.
The Flyers and the Dogs.The Buckaroos sang a love song, The Dogs barked, The Powder Sluts were promiscuious and the Bob's ....well they're just the Bob's. Everybody in the SRO crowd had fun. The tales of epic ski days gone by began to flow. Details of the famous Bell Mountain Buck-off were revealed, a tradition that still exists in modern times. Closing day at 1 pm atop the Ridge of Bell is usually the only time that so many gang members get together cordially in one spot. If you've ever tried to ride the Gondola with some scruffy looking locals ...and been scared off by their loud barking , than you know what its like. Stories of past heroics became fodder for hecklers in the audience. Laughs and flashbacks were shared by all.
A few secrets were finally revealed. The Buckaroo's consider themselves the first ski gang in Aspen--- but that was heavily disputed by other gangs. Dates and details are a bit hazy as short-term memory loss appears to be one side effect of ski gang membership. Some gangs refuse to call the season ending bump extravaganza on the Ridge of Bell the "buck-off", they prefer the "rumble on the ridge". The Powder Sluts admitted..."we like it soft" and "6 inches on the slopes is better than 7 inches in the sack". The Dogs didn't have much to say...they just yelped and barked a lot. Lead dog, Dim Tim uttered a few words on behalf of his pack, one rival gang member in the peanut gallery shouted "we didn't know Tim could talk". One of the Bob's was accused of carrying a difiulator with his backcountry gear. Other Aspen gang-bangers admitted to now regularly skiing the "over 60 line".
It was BIG fun for everyone to share their anecdotes of POWDER DAYS gone by... and those yet to come. The large room was filled with esprit de corps and the friendly rivalries that still exist. Mike Monroney of the Aspen Historical Society summed it up by sharing sentiments that he overheard at a recent buck off..."those old guys (and girls) can still rip". Most of them will be skiing with their gangs today. Keep up if you can.
The Powder Sluts. Mary, Karen and Polly like it soft.
The Dogs: They always ski in a pack. Let the barking begin.
The Flyers brought their own soap box to stand on.
The Bobs, doing what they do.... striving for world peace.
The Bell Mountain Buckaroos. Known for their skiing and their singing in the gondola. Full disclosure, AspenSpin is a Buckaroo ( we're the tone deaf one).
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