The King Rules in Snowmass.

Aspen Film's Oscar Party at Viceroy SnowmassWinners get to write the history books. Tonight as 100's of millions watched the Academy Awards on TV, THE KING'S SPEECH took home the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Director among a gaggle of other little gold men. The Oscars 2011 is history and the Brits rule again.
James Franco and Anne Hathaway hosted in an attempt to help the Oscar's appeal to a "younger demographic". We're gonna give them an F for effort. While Franco and Hathaway both have had notable movie performances (Pinapple Express was sick) hosting should be left to those who host. ABC's commercials were cute, and they are both likable and attractive, but they didn't exactly kill it. The show seemed to move slowly with a methodical corporate sense of humor which did not click. Kirk Douglas, Billy Crystal and Melissa Leo's F-Bomb could not make the show interesting. The immediate fashion impact could be felt all the way to China as knock-off dresses began production at Midnight. Aspen Spin's best dressed, Mila Kunis ( lavender and lace), Michelle Williams (pixie) Jennifer Lawrence (sleek in red) and Natalie Portman ( in Plum and pregnant).
Deborah Newman Sharpe and Frankie Welfeld were intrumental in the success of Lights, Camera, Oscars.While Hollywood royalty walked the RED CARPET,in L.A., Aspen's cinefiles did the same at Aspen Film's LIGHTS, CAMERA, OSCAR's bash in the Ballroom at Viceroy Snowmass. As the sun set over Snowmass, Aspen Film welcomed their well heeled supporters to a posh big screen viewing party. Hosted by Aspen's own Oliver Sharpe the party included a silent auction, movie trivia with prizes and an Oscar pool. Aspen Film really knows how to party and they proved it tonight in Snowmass.
Click 4 pix THE KING of Snowmass.
Aspen Film hosted a funfilled Oscar viewing party at Viceroy. Click for more pix.
Mark, Cathy and Don went Hollywood in Snowmass fo the Oscars.
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