Aspen Fabulous

Aspen Fashion Week 2011. Aspen Fashion Week 2011.
Disclaimer: clicked over 5000 photos at Aspen Fashion Week 2011. We present the best 170 for your enjoyment. No Models were harmed in the creation of these photos. If A-Spin took your money $hot and it is not presented here click the link..."like" us on Facebook( right) , tag yourself...and your photo will appear. It's the social media.
Click 4 pix ASPEN FABULOUS and
New York, London, Milan, Paris and.....Aspen. Flawless fashion never goes out of style and it was on full display in Aspen, Colorado this week. The 3rd Annual Aspen Fashion Week was the most fabulous event of the season. Intimate runway shows, in-store cocktail events, glorious Bluebird Colorado weather and stunning mountain-styles from major designers along with models, models and more models.
AFW's newly designed Snowstage converted CP Burger in the center of Aspen into a sophisticated, cozy and glamorous setting for the stunning cat-walk performances. The AFW 2011 runway line-up (in order of appearance) : Jean-Charles de Castelbajac (JCC) for Rossignol, Dannenmann Pure, Heidiskis, Authier, KJUS, Obermeyer, Neve, NUMBER:Lab and a finale at SKY HOTEL POOL.
AspenSpin is not a fashion-blog per se, but we do have a keen eye and we realize that Aspen is a fashion show every day, not just during AFW. The Style spectrum in Aspen ranges from the G-5 set in their dead animals to the gnarliest local living in a van by the river. Aspen's singular position as the CAPITAL of SKIING gives it credibility on the runways, the red carpets and on the ski runs. AFW has obviously had some growing pains, but Lisa Johnson and her crew including Joe Lang, Esther Pearlstone, Oliver Sharpe, BlueBird Aspen, Tommy (the fashion show guy) and all the participating brands and stores deserve credit for pulling it all together. AspenSpin for one hopes Aspen Fashion Week is here to stay. AFW brings a little more glamour and style to an already glamorous and stylish little place called Aspen. AFW can open new doors for generations of visitors and Aspen lovers. Any event that brings hordes of models to town gets our vote. While A-Spin errs on the side of duct tape and gore-tex, a little fabulousness never hurt anyone.
Here's our BEST OF Aspen Fashion Week 2011. For More Photos Click:Aspen Fabulous.
JCC for Rossignol. Exotic Animal Prints are primal.
JCC 4 ROSSIGNOL. Paint Spatters are siiiiick on snow.
AFW Opening Party at Casa Tua. Even the DJ's throw the Blue Steel.
Clay and the lovely ladies of Casa Tua. Aspen's newest private club.
Dannenmann Pure. So wearable. Sparkling like a glass of champagne.
HeidiSkis. Handmade in Switzerland.
KJUS always has a super-tylish silhouette, their gear is highly technical for top performance on mountain.
KJUS always makes a strong statement in Aspen.
B'Jewel in-store event with Katerina and her haute couture STEE-LETAS.
The Dannenmann's modeling with Carmelo at the in-store event in Aspen.
Lauren Bush from the FEED Foundation at her in-store at Ralph Lauren.
Aspen's own Obermeyer rocked the catwalk with vibrant colors and a strong skiing pedigree
Obermeyer brought the heat in Aspen. Get well wishes to our bro Klaus.
Grrrrrrrrrr, baby. Obermeyer combines fashion and function straight from the mountains.
Bad Brad strikes a pose for Neve Designs from Boulder.
Number: Lab from NYC. Where athletic meets discerning.
The Aspen Fashion Week 2011 Finale at the Sky Pool.
Yeah AspenSpin parties with models. Got a problem with that?

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