The Final Spin

The Final Spin. Aspen Closing DayAnother super-epic ski season in Aspen, Colorado is officially etched in the tablets of time. 2010/11 will go down in the scrolls as a very good year. While not fantastic (think 07/08), the snow was pretty consistent all year. We did score plenty of late season POW that had the locals calling for more. Today, Easter Sunday was Aspen's official closing day. The Power of Four is shutting it down after 150 days of fun. Aspen Highlands played host to the now traditional raging party to cap off the season. Over the past 5 years the Aspen Highlands Rave has become the #1 party in skiing. You could argue with A-Spin about that--but you would be wrong.
It been a wild 5 year ride at AspenSpin. BIG fun was experienced. Everyone has their own definition of "living the dream", but Aspen Spin has been willing to document and share ours on the internet. A-Spin is the real deal, it's authentic. You can't fake skiing every day and partying every night. We could bore you with stats, but what for? After 5 years of pointing, shooting and posting we now measure our hits in the millions. We've collected more t-shirts, stickers and chapstick than anyone in captivity. We have the maximum number of facebook friends, we hit every single POW Day and we were the first to tweet in Aspen. WTF? Who knew.
Everyone is media now. Anbody with an i-phone thinks they are John Cameron Swayze. Photos <click> are now so easy to share <click>. A-Spin was just a little ahead of the curve. It's unclear what's next for us. Another summer in La Jolla for sure. Next Fall....dunno? We'll probably be back for more, but we will need DOG-FRIENDLY housing and that always presents a problem. Aspen landlords are a funky bunch, greed and paranoia about their sh*tty condos from 1965 make them tough to deal with. Owning a sh*tty condo from 1965?---thats one option, but "no thanks" even at the current "discounted" prices. Migrating down-valley?? Traffic jams and road rage---thats in our past. We'll see what shakes out.
Until we meet again, THANK YOU ASPEN for being AWESOME. Stay that way. The POW, the PIX and the PEOPLE have made Aspen a great place to be for 8 years (5 with A-Spin). Aspen is the "Capital of Skiing". The natural beauty, the open space, the bedazzling Rocky Mountains of Colorado combine to make the entire Roaring Fork Valley a special place; to be treasured.
To all our people, the spinners; have a fantastic Summer....we'll see ya on-line...or off.
Click 4 Pix. The Final Spin.
A.Party / OUT

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