5 Birthday Wishes 4 America

AspenSpin is proud to be an American. The USA used to be the greatest country in the world. July 4th is always a celebration but for us a time for reflection. 2011 marks our 235th Birthday and quite possibly an inflection point in American History. Social Studies was always one of our favorite subjects and social commentary is within our blogosphere, so we call 'em as we see 'em. 4th of JULY should be more than just an excuse to "get your firework on".
Happy Birthday America....here's our 5 B-day wishes for u.
1) HEATH CARE REFORM: We figured out what our increasingly expensive health insurance covers....NOTHING. Once we got through the paperwork and the fax transmissions from our provider...we figured it out....NOTHING is COVERED. Preventative medicine...not covered. Doctor Visits...not covered. Physical Therapy....was it a pre-existing condition? ..not covered. Oh...you're dead...that's covered.
2) NO MORE BOGUS POLITICIANS: What the f@#K??? Seriously who is running this place. People want to blame Obama???...at least he's trying. At least he's not posting his private parts on twitter. Lying; we all know that's been going on in American politics for centuries, but who do you trust now? We've mortgaged our future for the benefit of a few...we need people we can trust in positions of authority. Use your vote wisely.
3) GOODWILL TOWARDS MAN: Can't we all just get along? Can we please go back to the old days of common courtesy and civility. Everybody wants to fight all the time??? Hate thy neighbor??? Seriously, America needs to work together to succeed, and we need to figure that out immediately.
4) PUT YOUR DAMN PHONE DOWN: This was the conclusion reached by a panel of social media experts at the world famous think tank The Aspen Institute at last week's Aspen Ideas Festival. In our opinion America's reliance on their mobile devices will lead to further deterioration of our entire social fabric. This may sound off-point, especially from a "BIG time" blogger, but FACE-to FACE still counts for something. We don't want to get into a discussion about ageism...but future generations have a tremendous bredth of knowlege its the shallow depth of knowledge that is disconcerting.
5) AN ECONOMIC UPTURN: The U.S. used to be a net provider, now we're a net consumer. Whaaaat happened?? When Wall Street's hottest IPO has a main product called "Farm-ville" which is a game that is dependent on FaceBook and the analysts are praising the "gamification of America" like its a good thing....take a time out. We need to get back to basics and produce goods and services that people need and want.
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