Free Gear for EVERY KID in Aspen.

Jeff Gorsuch: Modern Day Santa> Click 4 pix.It was a chaotic scene in the Gorsuch ski shop in Aspen tonight for AVSC Scholarship Night. 100's of pairs of boots and skis were strewn across the store. The line of happy kids wound out the door as they patiently waited to be fitted for their new gear. Thanks to AVSC, Gorsuch and Ski Co. every kid in the Roaring Fork Valley that needs ski & snowboard equipment gets it. Every year, Gorsuch & D & E distribute about 400 gear set-ups to local kids. "It's all about community" said Jeffrey Gorsuch. "It's one of my favorite nights of the year" he added. You could see the joy in Jeff's face as he greeted each and every little shaver with a huge smile and a hearty, larger-than-life welcome.
Click 4 pix Free Gear for Every Kid.
AspenSpin knows how Jeff feels. We've covered several AVSC Scholarship nights and the smiling, beaming faces of the groms never gets old. Think about it. You're a little get to visit one of the fanciest stores in Aspen and get fitted for "slightly used" gear....for free. In addition to the ski equipment the children are treated to home-made baked goods, psychedelic colored beanies and first class service. Now that's gnarly. The parents, the kids, the staff at Gorsuch all throw off an electrifying buzz. The store was overflowing with excitement, happiness and gratitude.
AVSC, Gorsuch and Ski Co. have made the following pledge; That no child in the Roaring Fork Valley who wishes to participate in skiing or riding should be held back by finances. The AVSC Scholarship program requires some paper-work...but no child will be turned away. PRETTY COOL if you ask me. In conjunction with AVSC Scholarship Night, the National Council of AVSC hosted a little cocktail soiree next door at the main Gorsuch Store in Gondola Plaza as a way to kick off the season. AVSC is prepping for a HUGE ski season with 16 members riding with the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Teams this Winter. Also throw in the brand new super-tramp at the AVSC clubhouse and more than 2200 participants ready to ride...and you've got a nice little season planned. The official AVSC family friendly kick-off event takes place this Saturday at the new Elk Camp Restaurant at Snowmass. Don't forget AJAX CUP, December 30, 2012, it's always the party of the year. Click AVSC for all the info.
This event is AspenSpin's favorite. The exuberance, the exhilaration and the optimism abounds. The happiness on the faces of the Children (and their parents) is something that you can't buy in a store. It's real and it's authentic...and it's Aspen.
Click 4 Pix. FREE GEAR
Free Gear for EVERY KID. That's Aspen. Click 4 more pix.
It's a free gear free-for-all 4 AVSC Scholarship Night in Aspen. Click 4 pix.
Willy was working hard...but giving back feels good. Click 4 more pix.
These guys make it happen for about 400 kids. Derek Johnson (D & E) Mark Cole (AVSC) and Jeff Gorsuch (Gorsuch). Click to see all the pix from AspenSpin.

Reader Comments (2)
I've enjoyed reading your blog for sometime. I've noticed that you now post all the photos on Facebook and not on your site. I would prefer if they were still viewable on aspenspin as I do not enjoy being forced to use Facebook.
Hope all is well & keep up the good work.
Eddie Mac
Sorry Eddie, but FB is much easier for posting and tagging pix. Plus 1 billion people use FB. I know AspenSpin is BIG TIME..but not that big. Hopefully you can enjoy the photos anyway.