The Weird December

A weird December, but there's still reason to believeOne more day up in the mountains. click 4 pix..
praying this year's Pow will be better than the last
I can't remember the last time that it truly stormed
the days move by so slow
And it's one more day up in the Mountains
And it's one more night in Aspen town.
If you think mother earth will be forgiving
I wish she would.
Click 2 see Counting Crow's version
or Click 4 Pix: The Weird December.
The Weird December. December in Aspen feels different this year. I know, I know... it's only December 7th, it's still early and we've had slow starting Winter's in Aspen in the past. But it feels weird, hoping this year will be better than the last. We're all trying to stay positive, attempting not to freak out about the climate. We're all praying that the snow will come. Cold, deep, white, fluffy, powder snow. With Aspen's viewpoint at 7,908 feet it's hard not to see the climate changing. This time it feels different. A major dump or two would be a short term fix, but what about the long term.
The National Resources Defence Council (NRDC) and Protect Our Winters (POW) released a study yesterday that quantified a few things about the Winter sports world we love so much. Click to see the actual report PROTECT OUR WINTERs. It's no surprise that the average Winter temperatures are rising. 2.2 degrees F per decade since 1970 in the U.S. This affects the $12.2 billion Winter tourism business that encompasses 23 million participants annually and 211,900 jobs in 38 States. Winter is BIG biz...and it might be going away. Shorter seasons and smaller snowpack appears to be a foregone conclusion.
The study did not identify how many academics and politicians are Winter sports enthusiasts but it did create a little perspective. The purpose of the study was to put a price tag on why the support for low-emissions policies like the Clean Air Act are crucial. "That's how things work in Washington" explained Chris Steinkamp, Executive Director of POW.
AspenSpin is not shy about throwing opinions around. Here's mine. I'm F#*King scared. I'm no scientist...i'm just a ski bum with a lap-top...but I'm fearful that the "rate of change" for our climate is much faster than anyone is predicting. I'm worried that the unusual, less predictable weather patterns we've been experiencing the past few years is now the usual. Maybe it's just a cycle...but it feels weird. Sure my evidence is anecdotal, but is Colorado the new Arizona? I hope not. The thought of a bunch of middle-aged fat cats in suits debating climate change in Washington does not give a warm and fuzzy feeling either. It makes me want to scream. So I'm looking for ways to make a difference personally. I used to think banning plastic bags, no bottled water, no idling, re-cycling, ride sharing, electric cars, biking to work...taking the bus...were all too small to make a difference. Now, I recycle, I conserve, I preserve and I try to do everything with ecology in mind. Yup, I'm a little late to the game...but I'm playing by different rules now. It's not for's for the people who come after me. So make it a point to conserve. Do the little things. Conserve when you can. Don't waste water, power, gas or any other resources because this year may not be better than the last.
ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE. AspenSpin went to 2 siiiiiiiiiiiick parties last night. Aspen still knows how to have a good time. See the pix from SKY HOTEL's season kick-off event to support KEEP-A-BREAST FOUNDATION and PARAGON TECHNOLOGY GROUP's... ugly sweater party.
Shredders and skiers co-mingling at Sky Hotel's season Kick off party 2 support Keep-A-Breast Foundation.
Hot Pink. Corey Enloe Sky's GM and the guy from SPY welcomed a rowdy crowd.
Paragon Technology Group's Ugly Sweater Party. Click 4 pix.

Reader Comments (2)
Oh, just smoke some legal pot and stop your worrying! Didn't you get a ton of snow last year?
No Ricky. Last season was the worst in recent memory. Colorado had record heat in March.