Blogger Appreciation Day @ Aspen/Snowmass

It was a legit POW Day on Ajax. 2/28/12 Click 4 pix. I know what you think. A. Party is just a blogger, albeit, one who takes incredible people pix and is consistently funny as sh*t. But in reality I'm a skier. That's what I came to Aspen to do and that's what drives me. A.Party has not missed a POW day in Aspen in 9 years. The chicks, the parties, all the sick perqs of being AspenSpin, the stellar klout score and the massive swag hoarding...all that is just icing on the cake.
Today in Aspen, 2/28/12 was the best POW Day of the season so far.
Ajax is an intimate mountain. You always see the same faces on the POWDER days. All of the usual suspects were out schralping today. I was up early with anticipation, second in line at the bucket at around 8:15. Uploading began early at 8:45 and I scored the second gondola. The first lap was siiiiiiiiick. Untouched POW -- top to bottom, and to paraphrase Kenny Powers...I t*tty f#*ked that run.
On the second lap I spotted Aspen Ski Co.'s #ContentCrew hanging out at the base. "What are you guys waiting for?" I asked the group, not really expecting an answer. Douche Bag Digi Dave replied "some of our athletes and models are late". Pete from finance added "We're shooting the POW day". Aspen Ski Co's ace photographer Jeremy Swanson said..."hey, you're wearing a bright color...wanna come shoot with us?" "Whaaaaaat?" My thoughts raced quickly {Andy-Party on a POW day photo shoot?...with pros?}. "F#*K yeah, I'm in.!!!" I responded without delay. It was snowing hard...the line at the gondola was slowly building. "Let's do this" shouted Dave and we were off.
It was only about 6"-8", but it kept snowing and blowing all day...maybe 12" of POW in spots where the wind had deposited it. We ripped the Back of Bell, Ridge of Bell, Face of Bell, Cone 2, Walsh's, Jackpot, Walsh's again, Glade 3 and more. We picked up some real rippers along the way. Ryan (Aspen Weather), CarlaVT, Tony P., Packy, Gordon ( the world's most photographed human), Peter King ( Ajax Mountain Manager), Jesse (sick free-heeler) and Nelson (Apres Bike Aspen) joined in with us.
It was a blast. We all skied, and Jeremy shot sick powder pix. Sure, there was a little more standing around than usual, but it felt great to be on the other side of the lens for once. All those ski days paid off, as I was very familiar with the terrain. I was especially elated that ski conditions were so soft and fluffy as I knew how gnarly and firm it was underneath. I was holding my own in the ski modeling department...spraying POW as high as I could, going b@lls out for the camera. Smilin' and free-stylin'. Ballin' and haulin'. Charging like a Coug at Bergdorf's. What ev's .... it was a great day.
Turns out...I'm the cover boy on the Aspen/Snowmass homepage. How sick is that? Who could ask for anything more? Thanks to ULLR for the best day of the year, and to the Aspen / Snowmass #ContentCrew for documenting it on digi. I'm a model and I know it.
Click for more pix. SICK POW DAY (Aspen/Snowmass pix by Jeremy Swanson)
The WHITE ROOM (AspenSpin pix by A.Party)
Cover Boy on the Aspen / Snowmass homepage. Photo: Jeremy Swanson / Aspen Ski Co. Yeah, A. Party is a model.
Tony P. Carla VT, Digi Dave, PK and "the shooter". On top of Walsh's just prior to our schralping it.
Nelson Reily goes upside-down on Walsh's. He stomped it. Photo: Jeremy Swanson / Aspen Ski Co.

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