For the Love of Snow

Aspen Mountain melting fast. 4/9/12 Click to Enlarge.I'm worried about the snow.
Maybe the POW season in Aspen was just an '76-'77, but I'm concerned about the future. Climate change seems to be happening a lot faster than Al Gore said it would. It's been 60 in Aspen almost every day for a month...very unusual. The 2nd dryest March on record in Colorado. I've spent 9 full ski seasons in Aspen and this one was by far the worst. The skiing was adequate and I commend the Aspen Skiing company and their mountain operations crew for keeping up the conditions on Aspen Mountain so skiable. For the amount of snow we was pretty good.
I've been holding this in all Winter. Sure I got in 102 ski days (and counting). Sure its still fun, but the POW is my passion. Hard-packed icy bumps...not really my thang. By my count we only had 6 legit POW days all season. Compare that to '07-'08 and '08-'09 when there were at least 40 POW days per seaz. The lack of BIG storms, the freaky wind events, the mist and fog that used to fall as all scares me.
I've always been a worrier and a planner. College, then awesome work experience ( if you can call being a CPA awesome), top MBA school, eventually finding the right place at the right time on Wall Street. All that worrying and planning eventually paid off for me. I sweated the small stuff. Since I moved to Aspen, I let go of some of the worries. I started planning my life one-day-at-a-time. No schedule, no obligations. Life was sweet...skiing every day, partying every night. Nothing to worry about...i'm living the dream.
But now I'm worried. Climate change is real.
I googled climate change and the top 3 entries came up as follows. Read for yourslf.
Environmental Protection Agency
I'm scared. So I stopped drinking bottled water. I now tote my groceries in a cloth bag. I hardly ever drive my car. I recycle. I've tried to embrace a more simple life-style. Less consumption, and more awareness of the environment in every step I take.
These are baby-steps. Can one person make a difference? I don't think so...but everyone has to pitch in starting NOW. We all need to work together ASAP. There are huge governmental agencies and thousands of non-profits devoted to climate change...but are they finding a solution?
This is not just an American's a global problem. So wherever you are, I urge you to take baby steps STARTING NOW. Do the little things to cut your consumption back. Don't let your private jet fly home empty. Don't use your air-conditioning when its cool and breezy outside. Don't water your lawn in the heat of the day. Whatever, sweat the little it for the love of SNOW.
Reader Comments (5)
Right on. Sun Valley has the same problems. We all need to get on it asap. By the way I am a CPA in the middle of tax season, but the lack of POW is my biggest concern right now
Glad you see the, too. So I have made the same simple changes....probably doesn't make much difference. At least I'm more aware of how much waste I produce.
Here in Sun Valley the skiing, for most of the season, has been incredible. The weather pattern changed, sending storms in from the PNW instead of from Northern California. Spring brought heavy rains both day and night in the valley, with wet snow at about 7500 feet. Baldy is skiing good and will get through our season that ends Sunday. Grooming and snowmakiing saved Sun Valley.
like i said..i hoe its an "off" year. but i'm scared its not. grooming and snow making were pretty unbelievable here too.
Looking back at the geologic history of our planet, it has been without polar ice caps for the majority of its existence. Climate change is recorded over millenia, and this article singles out less than one full calendar year. This is a crap season, yes. While I commend you for encouraging others to be "greener" at a personal level, the facts remain that this planet is destined to get warmer, with or without us. As a snow lover myself, hope like me that we will be entering another "mini ice age" like we did 4,000 years ago.
i hear you Mr. 81611. i hope next year is POW POW deluxe...but it seems as thought the weather is changing...more extremes and seasonal shifts.... that can't be a good thing.