Del Mar @ 75 / Opening Day 2012

Del Mar @ 75. Opening Day 2012. Click 4 pix.On July 3, 1937 Del Mar Racetrack officially opened for racing. Del Mar was the brainchild of Hollywood stars Pat O'Brien and Bing Crosby and it served as an escape from the Hollywood scene. Movie Stars like Jimmy Durante, W.C. Fields, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, Bob Hope Mickey Rooney and many more would frequent Del Mar... where the turf meets the surf.
See the Photos: Del Mar @ 75
Opening Day at Del Mar is still considered by many to be the most important social event in San Diego County. Maybe it is...but its's certainly a humongous party. These days fewer entertainment icons brave the traffic jam on I-5 to get to opening day...but 47,339 (a new record) other people did.
Horse racing is known as "the sport of kings" but on opening day in Del Mar...the hats are the thing. Almost everyone wears a hat, and the ultimate hat contest is a highly competitive affair. The hats along with a massive party and countless pre-parties and post-race events make opening day at Del Mar an incredible scene. If Pat and Bing could see the 100's of party buses lining up to enter Del Mar Racetrack they would be proud.
Aspen Spin snapped a few sick pix. Click: DEL MAR @ 75
Winner, Winner ...chcken dinner. Click 4 photos.
The hat Ladies. See more pix. click here.
The horses are incredibly beautiful animals. Click 4 pix.
Everybody had fun at Del Mar opening day. Click 4 pix.
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