Detroit & The BOOM-BOOM Bar Mitzvah Jam.

Get off wif yo bad self. Click 4 pix.Breakin' it down: A. Party is a "good-times" guy. My strategy... I like to be there for the mitzvahs and skip the funerals. When the youngest son of my main man gets called to the Torah...I call Delta, I get felt up by TSA and I show up.
Bradley Nusbaum is now a man...and they call him
B. Rad.
Bradley handled his Torah portion flawlessly (tutored by his grand-father) and then Boom-Boom threw down in major league fashion.... which is his nature. It was an intimate celebration with friends and family complete with an all-u-can-eat lobster bar, cowboy steaks grilled to order by illegal aliens on the FHCC BBQ and a flowing river of Johnnie Blue and Don Julio 1942. The ice cream sando's and root beer floats at midnight helped the medicine go down.
See the Pix: BOOM-BOOM Bar Mitzvah.
Lafayette is still #1. click 4 pix.
You can take the boy out of Detroit...but you can't take the Detroit out of the boy. My latest work-up at Beaumont indicates that I have Coney Dogs running through my veins. Wearing a suit and tie, once an every-day occurrence fo A. Party is now a once-a-year thing. I'm glad that my blue pin-stripe fits me better now than it did 10 years ago. I like the fact that I had more verts than anyone in the room last about 900,000. Verts are vertical-feet for the non skiers. While most of my friends live in 8,000 sq ft homes, I live at 7908 feet. Some of them drive cars that are bigger than my apartment and everyone has an infinity pool. What ev's. It was good to be home, amongst my people. Detroit and it's suburbs are as upbeat as I've seen it in 7 or 8 years. The City of Detroit itself is post apocalyptic.
Click 4 pix: Area Code 313.
You may start to hear some crazy sh*t coming out of my keyboard...not sure what will happen next. I had an epiphany while in Detroit. These photos contributed to a new vision. It might be time to step up to the plate, to get my hands to speak. Keep clickin''ll see.
Click 4 pix: BOOM BOOM Bar Mitzvah / Area Code 313
Lori enjoyed her ride to the sky. click 4 pix.
Schoenberg gets all the chicks. Click AREA CODE 313 for pix.
Flashback 1975 (undisclosed location) Click 4 pix.
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