Gearing up with AVSC and Gorsuch

Chaos ensues at Gorsuch for AVSC Free Ski Night. Jared stays cool.Every year in early December, kids from all over the Roaring Fork Valley fire up for their special night. Every kid in the Valley that needs ski gear gets it courtesy of a grass roots program established by AVSC and Gorsuch...and D & E (for snowboards). Most of these kids would not have ski gear if it weren't for the generosity of AVSC and Gorsuch. The program originally established by "The Coach" Bob Beattie at AVSC allows about 300 kids to gear up. It's not new gear...but it's new to them, and it's free, and it's properly fitted.
Click 4 pix. GEARING UP
The free ski night is one of AspenSpin's favorite events of the year. The glowing eyes and beaming smiles of the kids are transcendent. The line starts forming in front of Gorsuch at 4 pm sharp. Hundreds of pairs of boots, skis and poles are strewn about the store. Semi-organized chaos insues for the next 3 or 4 hours as every kid is outfitted with gear for the ski season. Jeff Gorsuch, who spear-heads the equipment giveaway siad it loud and clear... "it's all about community". The Gorsuch staff along with several volunteers crank it up to 11 and keep the assembly line flowing. Sizing the boots, choosing the skis and setting the bindings for 100's of thankful kids.
Next store in the Gorsuch apparel store, the AVSC staff and National Council welcomed all-time great ski racer Lasse Kjus to free ski night. Kjus who has done and seen it all in skiing was moved by the joy and happiness on the faces of the kids...and the staff and volunteers.
Hopefully the photos capture the energy of the event. The kids love the gear and the first class treatment dolled out by AVSC, Gorsuch abd D & E. Personally, I think it's the best night of the year.
Click 4 pix. GEARING UP
The whole family gets geared up at Gorsuch. Thanks to AVSC.
Who needs boots....I do!!!
Renie Gorsuch and Bob Beattie sharing thier love of skiing with all the kids.
Reveling in the new gear and first class treatment.
Almost all of the Gorsuch Family with Lasse Kjus.

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