Sex, Drugs and Aspen Highlands

Cloud 9 went off for closing day.Closing day at Aspen Highlands is generally considered the #1 party in the entire ski world This year's incarnation left nothing on the table.
With climate change upon us, it was a very unusual ski season. Two feet of snow fell here in the last week, so ski conditions were at their peak. Thousands of skiers, riders and just plain partiers showed up to send the 2012/13 ski season off in style.
Click 4 Pix. Sex, Drugs and Aspen Highlands.
It was a picture perfect Colorado bluebird day at Aspen Highlands. Everybody was pumped and stoked and ready for a huge celebration of Winter, the mountain lifestyle and our funky, athletic, substance abusing, sexy community. Spirits were high. Costumes were "almost required".
Highland's closing is a huge day for AspenSpin. A. Party got up early, secured a $20 parking space and grabbed one of the first chairs while mentally repeating a closing day mantra (no injuries, no injuries). It was warm at the bottom but at AH you always have to factor in the long, wind-exposed lift rides, no gondola here. The gorgeous early morning light illuminated the fresh snow on the majestic peaks in the distance. That first warm-up lap, alone on the mountain, ripping on the already corn-ed up corduroy gave me a chance to reflect back on a challenging season. It wasn't the best one...but it was awesome none the less. Sayonara 2012/13.
So the task at hand. Click 4 pix. SEX, DRUGS and ASPEN HIGHLANDS
Thousands raged at Aspen Highlands. Click 4 pix.We know not what the future holds
In this World of change
The season's end is here again
Time to turn the page
Lovers will love and haters will hate
but one thing can be said
I came, I saw, I shredded & I took sick pix

Reader Comments (1)
That seems a great load of FUN FUN FUN! Your costumes look awesome.
I should be there!