Sons of Aspen head to Sochi.

Aspen always sends it's Olympic athletes off in style. Gondola Plaza was jammed with well wishers as Aspen bid bon voyage to four Olympians heading to Sochi, Russia for the 2014 Winter Olympics. For a tiny mountain town, Aspen has an exceptional Olympic history. No one seems to have the accurate number, but AspenSpin estimates that ZG has sent 30 to 40 athletes with strong ties to past Winter Games. Incredible. Chris Klug, Gretchen Blieler, Casey Puckett, Andy Mill, Christin Cooper, Chris Devlin-Young and others have honored Aspen by competing at the highest level.
AspenSpin collaborator Joseph Gulizia attended the olympic festivities Aspen Mountain. Photos:
Click 4 Pix: Sons of Aspen.
The four Aspen heros for the XXII Olympiad. 2014 in Sochi.
JEREMY ABBOTT Figure Skating
SIMI HAMILTON Cross County Skiing
NOAH HOFFMAN Cross Country Skiing
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