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Del Mar Spin

A Bar Mitzvah is a rite of passage.  It's when a boy becomes a man.  An important religious ceremony is usually followed by a themed party.

Ben's Bar MitzvahBEN CODER and his band captured lightning in a bottle at the HOUSE of BLUES in San Diego.  Coder headlined his own Bar Mitzvah party to a SRO crowd.  "The girlz love him and the boys wanna be him" explained his proud father Dr. Don Coder.  Ben's Mom, Liv Coder planned the party to precision, complete with VIP credentials and back stage passes.  The "rock star attitude" was prevalent in the high society audience, a mixture of San Diego's glitterati and DETROIT muscle.

In between getting thrashed during Boogie sessions @ 11th Steet in Del Mar (4-6 ft),  and double-doubles at In N Out,  AspenSpin documented BIG BEN's BIG DAY.  

Click DEL MAR SPIN for PIX.San Diego's #1 couple

The Coder Family Band.


Aspen at the Olympics

2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. AspenSpin.comAspen will be well represented at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.  Aspen locals Gretchen Bleiler, Chris Klug, Casey Puckett, Noah Hoffman, Jake Zamansky and others are gunning for spots on the U.S. Olympic team in their various disciplines.  Obviously, we are pulling for them and wishing them success.

AspenSpin hopes to be in the Olympic mix in Vancouver too. 

AspenSpin.comThe U.S. Olympic blogging team??? really? ---- does it exist? 

Apparently so.  We were informed last night by Olympic officials that AspenSpin has qualified as a finalist for a spot on the U.S. Olympic Media Team in Vancouver.  Its not a done deal yet---but we're in the finals.,  niiiice!!!!  All that training, facebooking, twittering, networking, etc has brought us to the brink of Olympic glory in 2010.  We don't wanna jinx it---but our entire staff is super-excited.

There are still plenty of "ifs"--grammer, spelling, punctuation, lodging, transportation etc.----but we're gonna "get after it" and give it our best effort.  Our philosophy is this-- If you're not winning you're losing. We might end up watching NBC's coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympics from home.  If that's our fate, we'll make due with skiing every day and partying every night in Aspen, but its nice to be recognized. 

Wish us luck.


Speed, Precision, Determination = Olympic Dreams

Thanks to Audi of America and U.S. Ski Team for sharing this vid.

Limelight sold to Aspen Ski Co. Is it true?

Unconfirmed reports state that LimeLight Lodge in Aspen will be purchased by Aspen Skiing Company,

The Limelight Lodge, family owned and operated for more than 50 years will apparently become the latest crown jewel in the Crown family Empire.  Details have not been revealed, but sources say The Paas / Woolery family will cede control of the hotel to ASC along with 2 luxury condo's on Monarch Street.  The structure of the transaction and the price were not revealed.  AspenSpin wishes the Paas / Woolery family the best of luck in the future.  It is unclear what their role, or ownership stake will be moving forward. 

Aspen Skiing Company excells at uphill transportation and mountain management.  They also participate in related businesses;  retail, hospitality, food and beverage and real estate development

The re-developed Limelight Lodge opened about 14 months ago after a near disastrous application, approval and construction process.  The "new" Limelight  Lodge has received rave reviews from travellers around the world.   Limelight is a seasonal sponsor of AspenSpin.com.


Aspen: No Secrets

It turns out that AspenSpin.com is highly searchable.

CBS 4 in Denver (CBS is a spin-off of Viacom) found us and put us on the news at 6.  Is the VH1 show, Secrets of Aspen, really news?  Is AspenSpin.com really a source?  It's all  BULL SH*t if you ask me?  That's Andrew M. Israel speaking---not AspenSpin.

Sumner Redstone / Secrets of AspenIf Viacom and Sumner Redstone think this non-original crap can sell Taco Bell's new "drive-thru diet"--so be it.  Wut up dude-bro? Aspen doesn't  even have a Taco Bell???  If America wants to watch the mindless drivel and waste 22 minutes a week---so be it.  If the girlz wanna air their dirty laundry on national TV, so be it. 

We like Jersey Shore  waaaaaaay better anyway.  Oh, ---- but that's MTV, another Viacom Network, sister to VH1. 

Wonder if Pauly D. and The Situation could learn to ski or ride? ----- now that would be a show ----bi---atch.  Doubt they could keep up, but you heard it here first.  Bring Pauly D. and The Situation out to Aspen to "get down to business"  w/ the Secrets of Aspen.  Think of the permutations---- it'll be bigger than The Hills.  Come on Viacom, get creative.  related Story click here http://bit.ly/showho

Real Life in Aspen is better than TV. NUFF SAID.  Party/Out.

The Secrets of Aspen vs. Jersey Shore. Click me.Secrets of Aspen