Aspen: No Secrets

It turns out that is highly searchable.
CBS 4 in Denver (CBS is a spin-off of Viacom) found us and put us on the news at 6. Is the VH1 show, Secrets of Aspen, really news? Is really a source? It's all BULL SH*t if you ask me? That's Andrew M. Israel speaking---not AspenSpin.
Sumner Redstone / Secrets of AspenIf Viacom and Sumner Redstone think this non-original crap can sell Taco Bell's new "drive-thru diet"--so be it. Wut up dude-bro? Aspen doesn't even have a Taco Bell??? If America wants to watch the mindless drivel and waste 22 minutes a week---so be it. If the girlz wanna air their dirty laundry on national TV, so be it.
We like Jersey Shore waaaaaaay better anyway. Oh, ---- but that's MTV, another Viacom Network, sister to VH1.
Wonder if Pauly D. and The Situation could learn to ski or ride? ----- now that would be a show ----bi---atch. Doubt they could keep up, but you heard it here first. Bring Pauly D. and The Situation out to Aspen to "get down to business" w/ the Secrets of Aspen. Think of the permutations---- it'll be bigger than The Hills. Come on Viacom, get creative. related Story click here
Real Life in Aspen is better than TV. NUFF SAID. Party/Out.
The Secrets of Aspen vs. Jersey Shore. Click me.
Secrets of Aspen