Secrets of Aspen

Laura plays the Queen Bi-atch in Secrets of Aspen. click 4 pix.Everybody in Aspen keeps asking us about the VH1 docu-soap, SECRETS of ASPEN. We'll reserve judgement until we see it, but ....we're afraid....very afraid.
Everyone has their own relationship with Aspen, their own"Aspen Idea". MIND, BODY, SPIRIT. Aspen is a beautiful, magical place, a ski town with roots in mining. Secrets of Aspen will show that 'gold-digging' is a full-contact sport in Aspen --and compares it to the world's oldest profession. Secrets of Aspen is clearly not a true depiction of Aspen, it will show a small, vapid and superficial facet of our "life-style". Based on the 4 minute trailer we viewed on Facebook, we're concerned that the "actors" and Aspen will ultimately be embarrassed. It looks dirty, like you need a shower, dirty.
See the pix, click SECRETS of ASPEN.
Brooke, a former Miss AspenSpin is the subject of viscious gossip on Secrets of Aspen. Click 4 pix
FULL DISCLOSURE: We attended a few of the the VH1 events. Two house parties last January---(click REALITY BITES for a re-cap) and we "sneaked" into Brooke's 25th Birthday bash where a cake fight "spontaneously" broke out and hilarity ensued. We also crashed The SEXY SINGLES AUCTION (stay classy, The Little Nell and The Buddy Program). A-Spin did not sign a waiver or release form, nor did we eat or drink anything at these scripted events for fear of the "roofie effect". Its true, we have a face "made for blogging" so we avoided the cameras and the big time, beanie wearing, walkie talkie carryin' folks from High Noon and VH1 who produced secrets of Aspen.
See the PIX. Click SECRETS of ASPEN
Secrets of Aspen may be a hit. If so A-Spin will be banned from the Emmy Awards. The first episode airs JANUARY 3, 2010 on VH1, the same high-class channel that brings you Flavor of Love, Tough Love, Sex Rehab and Basketball Wives. No one can resist gawlking at a train wreck---so we'll be tuned in. Click A-Spin's pre-season scouting report; Meet Laura, Brooke, Kat ,Star, Shana, Erin, Ben and more. Oy Vey.
Kat and Star. Secrets of Aspen. Nice girls or divas? Only the editor knows for sure. click 4 pix.
Secrets of Aspen.Click for pix.