Pow Day closes out Aspen Highlands

More pix from Aspen Highlands closing day on the way. It's a POW DAY on Aspen Mountain, gotta go. Ski Season 2013/14 is not over yet.
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More pix from Aspen Highlands closing day on the way. It's a POW DAY on Aspen Mountain, gotta go. Ski Season 2013/14 is not over yet.
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37th Annual Gay Ski Week in Aspen.The 37th annual Aspen Gay Ski Week (GSW) took place last week. As always, the boys just wanna have fun...and they did. Being a witness to GSW every year reminds me that Aspen is one of the most liberal, tolerant places in America.
I stand behind my previous statement that GSW is the hardest partying week of the season in Aspen. Live and let live...bro. Welcome to Aspen. Freedom is what it's all about.
AspenSpin did not participate in Aspen Gay Ski Week, but we did observe.
Click 4 Pix. The Fabulous
So two gay Dads and their cute 8 year old daughter were gearing up for a day on the slopes. The non-traditional family unit was renting skis at one of Aspen's finest ski shops. The cute little girl wore cute little prescription glasses. Each of her dads was decked out in fancy black ski outfits by RLX (one had white pants). Both dads were sporting very cool designer shades. The ski tuner that was setting up their gear thoughtfully suggested that little Madison should have goggles to protect her eyes. It was a bright beautiful Colorado bluebird day. The one dad said..."of course...lets get her some cute goggles". "Do you have some white one's to match Maddie's jacket?" he added. The other dad was chafing at the bit. "Don't you have any rental goggles?" he was annoyed. "This will be a one-time use...how much are they?" The clerk was polite and explained that they didn't rent goggles. "Some stores do" he offered. The mad dad whined "well how much are they?" he demanded to know. The other dad only cared if they looked cool. The daughter picked out the top end Oakley's. "Those are cute" said Daddy #1. "Hold on" said Daddy #2..."don't you have some from last year or something?". The clerk...who did a great job pulled some goggles out of the bargain bin...$59. The fashion dad was not happy. The finance dad was Ok with it.
The irony for me was that I've seen this same scenario play out countless times with a Mom and a Dad. Watching two guys debate about household finances vs fashion accessories, for some reason...it was fascinating to me. I guess I gotta watch Modern Family.
I was walking my dog. 3 guys approached and asked to pet her. "She's beautiful" cooed the man in the pink puffy jacket. "She's adorable" said the dude flossing a Burberry wool & cashmere pea coat. The third fella was wearing a tiara and a boa. "Who won the parade"? I asked. "Whooooo cares" drooled the inebriated dude in the crown. I pointed towards his head gear and asked "what did you win?" He smiled hugely...like a Cheshire cat and said very slowly. "Evvvvv-reee-thiiiing".
The Aspen Club sees a lot of action during GSW. The usually quiet locker room is a bee hive of activity and conversations during the week. Mirror time is difficult to come by. I've never seen so many speedo tans and so little body hair in my life. Not that I was taking notes and yes I've been to Europe.
Believe it or not, I work out. After a super-intense, gluten free session of cross-fitting, hot yoga, uphill skiing, spinning and kettle belling...I usually like to hit the steam. This time it was different...there were about 30 guys bouncing in and out of the "wet area" I peered through the glass door of the steam room, it looked like a NYC subway car at rush hour, at Grand Central. Guys were pressed up against the glass. It was SRO.
The boys just wanna have fun. And once again in Aspen...they did.