A 50 Year Storm and SIA 2014.

It was a POW Day in Denver for SIAAspen, Vail and the entire Colorado Rocky Mountain region got the biggest dump in recent memory. 3 feet of snow over a 2-day period. AspenSpin missed it. Yup...it's sad but true.
Timed to coincide with the 50 year storm, the Snowsports Industries of America (SIA) hosted their 60th annual Snowshow in Denver. SIA is the biggest ski industry event in America. Everybody in the ski & snowboard business shows up to buy, sell, trade, learn, network, party, find a new job, hit on chicks/dudes, drink heavily, pass out, and then do it again...for 4 days straight.
THE SNOW SHOW (on the floor)
SIA AFTER HOURS (parties, music etc.)
It would have been easy for AspenSpin to skip it. Vail Pass was closed man. But thanks to a heads up from Ryan Boudreau at Aspen Weather we were able to plan the trip to beat the storm. A mistake? Maybe so... but the decision was made. AspenSpin loves the POW POW...but we also dig on swag. SIA is always our biggest pay-day of the year. On the first day alone, A.Party scored 18 truckers hats, 300 stickers and 8 sick tee's. It was fun...but missing a 24" POW Day...let's just say my entire rhythm was off.
BACKCOUNTRY, BACKCOUNTRY, BACKCOUNTRY. This segment is where the growth is. Whether it's backcounty, sidecountry, Alpine Touring/ Randonee (AT), split boarding, ski-mo, uphilling, skinning...the people have spoken. People who identified themselves primarily as backcountry riders grew 47% over last years survey. That's a little misleading because many of the respondents indicated they still participated in traditional alpine skiing and riding too. According to SIA / Leisure Trends sales of AT gear were up 23% over last year. Backcountry accessories were up 17%.
A SLIGHT UPTICK. According to SIA/ Leisure Trends the industry set a new in-season record for sales (Aug-Dec) at $2.3 Billion, +9% over 2012. That's slightly ahead of 2010, the previous best year ever. Equipment sales came in at $541 mil +6% over last year. Apparel, $985 mil +7% and accessories $734 mil +15%.
GIRLS LOVE to RIDE. Ladies junior snowboard gear grew 17% over last year, while snowboard gear itself only grew 2%. Many of the major ski companies make skis specifically for women, a relativly new category.
THE CHANGING of the GUARDS. It seems as if the demographics of skiing and riding are changing right before our eyes. Newer, more youth oriented brands appear to be gaining strength on the convention floor. Maybe they just give good trade show...but surf and skate influenced brands like Volcom, O'Neil, Roxy, Vans and Anon always draw crowds at the snow show. The more traditional snow brands like Salomon, Scott, Rossignol, K2, Burton etc. are still formidable competitors.
LOOK at ME. Action cameras as a category grew 19% to 81,000 units sold. The dollars spent in this category grew 36%. Accessories and new products for cameras and cell phones were popping up all over the convention floor. Camera mounts, extendable selfie* poles, water-proof cases....there are a lot of new entrants in this space. *note: AspenSpin is generally credited for inventing the "selfie".
STYLE is IMPORTANT but FUNCTION is MANDATORY. Every season the colors change, the styling and the cuts change, but the companies that are excelling in the snowsports world combine fashion and function. Fabric technology has improved ski wear exponentially. Not only do 2015's snow clothes look cool...but they breathe, they are waterproof, they're light and super warm. Accessories products grew 15% over last year...so it's important to accessorize
COMPETITION. The snowsports world is extremely competitive. There are a lot of companies and brands competing for the same finite dollars. While the macro market for skiing & riding stays relatively constant the number of new entrants into the industry never stops. The major companies maintain their dominant positions while countless numbers of "microbrew" equipment and fashion purveyors attempt to break through. It's a barbell effect...the majors and the boutique brands. For consumers...that's a win. More great gear to choose from.
THE SNOW SHOW (on the floor)
SIA AFTER HOURS (parties, music etc.)
KJUS (my favorite) showing off their newest and greatest styles...and winning the Show Stopper award.
Dav and Colby...ambassadors for the sport...and Kastle riders.
The Sarah Burke Foundation and Freeskier held their 2nd annual fundraiser at SIA.
Ryder's eyewear from Vancouver dressed for success at SIA.