Into the Flow

San Diego is America's Finest City, it always stays classy. Coastal California is sooooo laid back. Aspen Spin is fighting traffic and hanging out at the mall. This Summer we're up in Del Mar, near dog beach. It's a little more homogenized and suburban than Windansea. The surf crew up here is the blond frat boy / J. Crew type rather than the ink covered gangsta locals we met during 2 Summers in La Jolla, near the pump house.
School is still in session so it's pretty quiet on the beach. The SD County Fair and Del Mar Race season are not far away. We're prepping for a siiiiiiiiiiiick Summer session. We snapped a few cool pix. Click 'em
INTO the FLOW (click 4 pix)
Vinny G. from the Jersey Shore made an appearance in La Jolla. AspenSpin was there.
Surf Legend Rob Machado giving back through the Rob Machado Foundation. Click 4 pix.
A. Party and Carmelo made it to the beach for another siiiiiiiick Summer in San Diego. Click 4 pix.
Made in California. Click 4 pix.