Aspen Media Powerhouse

The City of Aspen will soon be putting out a request for proposals (RFP) for the old Powerhouse Building along the Roaring Fork River next to Rio Grande Park. The Powerhouse Building is the former home of The Aspen Art Museum which will be moving into their new $50 million crib in the center of town.
For a few years now AspenSpin has been looking for causes to be FOR. We want to be IN FAVOR of something...and we think Aspen Media Powerhouse (AMP) is a great idea. At this point...Aspen Media Powerhouse is just that an idea. The video posted below was created by Grassroots TV, the first community owned T.V. station in the U.S.A. Grassroots has been promoting free speech since 1971.
So check out the video...AMP is still in the "running it up the flagpole mode". If you like the idea...get involved. I have been assured that GRASSROOTS TV will be ready to go when the call for RFP's goes out. The AMP is still an idea that is work in progress. It's not too early to lend your support and to build buzz for the AMP.