BIG DUMPS fall on Aspen

Zaugg Dump. FIRST ONE IN. 3/1/12. Click 4 pix. We stopped counting the inches, but the most recent series of snow storms in Colorado dropped over 2 feet of sweeeeeeet POW POW on Aspen. Aspen Mountain has finally softened up. The last three days have been the 3 best days of the season....and today is shaping up to be a new #1. It's been a long time coming. Ski Season 2011/12 has been a funky one with unusual storm patterns, high winds and BIG DUMPS that "almost hit". Avalanche danger in Colorado is the highest it's been in more than 30 years. Extreme climate changes have been the norm this Winter. From freezing to warm and back's been weird. But, hey...there is no such thing as "climate change" {wink, wink} Right?
Click 4 pix. BIG DUMPS
We finally got some in Aspen. Tuesday was super-sick...maybe you caught my COVER SHOT (see the story posted below) on the Aspen/Snowmass homepage. Wednesday the sun came out after another layer of snow dropped. Thursday was one of the few days this season when it started snowing and just kept going. Yeah it was cold and windy...6 degrees at the top...but that's how we love it.
POW POW on Ajax. click 4 pixSo, If you're working, in you're private your desk... or maybe in your cube... or watching Oprah (ooops I mean Ellen).... call in siiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Get your A$$ out here. It's time to shred. Most of the rocks and stumps and other chazari is finally covered in beautiful, beautiful snow. Soft and plentiful.
On a side note, Carmelo, my trusted friend and almost constant companion for the past 9 years turned 9 today. She's a great dog...but she's sick of getting her picture taken. Today we had an early POW morning and a special breakfast...and she let me take some pix. If you see her around Aspen..give her a treat and wish her Happy B-Day.
Click 4 pix : BIG DUMPS
Aspen looks good covered in White. click 4 pix.
Bepo brought out the POWDER Suit for POW days on Ajax. Click 4 more pix.
Carmelo celebrated her 9th b-day by rolling in the POW and playing fetch. Click 4 more pix.
Friedl Pfeifer always looks best topped with POW. Click 4 pix.