5 Best Things About Aspen.

Next Winter will be AspenSpin's 9th ski season in Aspen (6th as a blogger). It's been a phenomenal run so far, and we are doing everything in our power to get the party body ready to shred in 2011 /12. Time away in ski hab always provides us with perspective, and while we love the beach too.. we're planning to go HUGE in Aspen, Colorado next Winter.
The 5 Best Things About Aspen, according to AspenSpin.com
The POWDER : Click to Enlarge.1) THE POWDER: Aspen may not get the most snow (Mammoth) or the best snow (Utah) but we've got it pretty good. Aspen expects about 300+ inches a year and it usually comes in bunches. As founder of the Aspen Powder Hounds we have our secret spots on Ajax (only a few are actually secret...dat sh*t gets stomped pretty fast). Aspen has 4 mountains to choose from, excellent and varied terrain and it's uncrowded by de$ign. It ain't bad, bro.
2) WALKING to WORK: Many people do not really consider skiing every day and partying every night to be actual "work". At AspenSpin...it's our full-time job. Scoring a dog-friendly pad within walking distance of " the office" (The Silver Queen Gondola) is never easy and always expensive. Good news. We are locked and loded for 11/12, which some local lawyers would call a "minor miracle". See you on the Gondy, ooops The Office at Thanksgiving.
The Chicks.3) THE CHICKS: The Ladies of Aspen are awesome, unfortunately there aren't very many of them. After attending every party in Aspen over the past 6 years...and just eye-ballin' it... our estimated ratio, 7-1 boys to girls.
There are two basic types of Local Aspen Women; the Granolas and the Glitters. Both types are a handful. Granolas come from a nice family, they're well educated, (maybe a prep school), decent college, un-hireable major (think Art History or English Lit. or Psych.), athletic, attractive and friendly. They dig the gnar and the gnarly guys that go with it.. They can ride with the boys, but they have their own club too. They look very hot in gore-tex. Glitters,... well they shop more than they ski and enjoy private jets, designer togs and expensive jewelry. They are experts at apres' ski and are great at making reservations. Some are to young to be Cougs, some are to old to be considered, but they always look sparkley. They aspire to be trophy wives or at least a "real housewife".
Suffice to say the talent level in Aspen is very high.
Buy 'em all.4) THE RICH GUYS: Everybody's a playa...playa. There's a lot of BIG money around. Approximately 5/8 (remember fractions?) of the Forbes 400 has some relationship with Aspen. Ya mon, everybody from Goldman has a house here. We've learned to stash some clean socks at the Sundeck just in case somebody throws out a lunch invite to the super-posh Aspen Mountain Club where de-booting is de-rigueur. Parking spots in town sell for $300,000, real estate trades around $2000 per square foot and the private jets are lined up like a parade. Doing biz on the Gondola is a way of life. Money is no object and conspicuous consumption is still alive and well in Aspen. "Feelin' good Todd",.." Lookin' good Lewis".
#winning #roiding5) THE TRUE CRIME: The Senior Citizen Cocaine Ring, Lance Armstrong and Tyler Hamilton in an alledged dust up, Charlie Sheen (#winning), The Bomb Scare on New Years, the groping yogi....you can't make this sh*t up. Fraud and embezzlement are the most popular crimes in Aspen. Our personal favorite is the drunk driving, former Buttermilk ski instructor who led cops on a high-speed auto chase only to roll his porn-filled truck on Owl Creek Rd. (no one was hurt....except the porn collection). TIA...this is Aspen. It never gets dull.
So we quote AAAAHnaaald, the former Governator of Calif., as well as a tarnished ex- Kennedy, domestic help impregnator and regular Aspen visitor...I'll Be Baaaaaack. Let's Paaaaaahty.
AspenSpin is still in the game.The 5 Best Things About Aspen, Colorado. Walking to Work is one of them.