The Aspen Party Crasher

Skinny Girl in Aspen.You would think that being the #1 Winter Sports Blogger on Twitter would offer some priviledges. After 6 years of Rapping and Snapping, Aspen Spin is on most of the party lists in Aspen. Sure we still have a "do you know who I am?" moment once in a while, but most people in Aspen are hep to A-Spin's brand of good clean fun.
Click for Pix: Aspen Party Crasher
Apparently Bethenny, Bravo TV and Skinny Girl Cocktails do not know who I am...or decided that super-sick viral content was not in their best interest. For whatever reason AspenSpin was not on the list. We kept getting tid-bits from our peeps that Bethenny Frankel and her reality TV caravan and the marketing machine behind Skinny Girl were in Aspen. Not being a devoted fan of the reality TV genre we just kept our head down and continued to ski every day and party every night. We got a tip that Skinny Girl was throwing down at the Sundeck atop Ajax at 8 pm. Hmmmm. Night-time gondy rides are pretty fun. Hmmmm. Liquor companies usually have excellent swag. Hmmmm.
Security can be tight with the Ski Co. in the mix, but we decided to give it a try. There was no crowd milling about at the entrance to the Gondola, it looked kind of dead. There was a pair of clipboard wielding flacks at the top of the stairs, but, when a man of a certain age walks past young girls, the "invisible jucice" kicks in. I made my best "of course I'm on the list" face and without much friction... A. Party was on a RED Gondy heading uphill. Taking the leisurely 17 minute ride to the top that has become my mantra.
Poof...I was in. Just a small matter of signing a 4 page TV waiver. WTF? I don't sign stuff anymore. Luckily one of the top lawyers in town was just ahead of me. He glanced at the form, then at his wife, back at the form...and signed up.
It was amazing...not really. The Sundeck was all decked out in Skinny Girl marketing materials. The music was playing, the bar was open ...and who are these people? Of the 60 or so guests...40 were working the event. TV people, agency people, activation assistants, get the picture. I was immediately served a Skinny Girl Cosmo. I tried a sip, but I wanted to stay on top of my game for Bethenny's entrance.
The music stopped, the lights went up, the sound boom came out, security went to code orange...It was Bethenny Time. I was not feeling it. W. W. TMZ. D. I pushed my way to the front and yelled BETHenNY...I LOVE YOU...(not really). I snapped a few pix and left.
The crashing was the best part. I just needed to feel that tingle you get when you are someplace you're not supposed to be. I had to prove it to myself...I still have the skills to pay the bills.