Aspen T.R.E.E. Community Thanksgiving Dinner (& Warren Miller).

The Chefs were cooking at Aspen T.R.E.E.For the 7th year in a row, Aspen T.R.E.E. presented their FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Once again it was a plentiful feast enjoyed by all. About 700 diners rolled through the Aspen High School cafeteria to a enjoy a full-on farm-to-table FREE Thanksgiving Dinner.
Click Aspen T.R.E.E. to learn more about all their good work and their push for a sustainable future.
The cooking, the serving, the cleaning, it's all done by volunteers. The free community dinner is one of my favorite events of the season. It's a true cross-section of Aspen's populace. From the bro-brah ski bums to the senior citizen brigade to young families with tons of kids...everybody showed up for the tasty, locally produced chow. Even a few billionaires couldn't resist a FREE Community Thanksgiving. As always, the spirit and camaraderie at Aspen T.R.E.E. was fun and exciting.
A. Party got right in there, serving meals, bussing tables and greeting guests. We almost forgot to take some sick pix...but we didn't.
Click: Aspen T.R.E.E. (& Warren Miller) to see the best ones.
Later that night...
Lane, Casey and Tats passing out swag at Warren Miller.For the 65th year in a row Warren Miller presented his annual ski flick at The Wheeler Opera House. A packed house showed up on a cold & snowy night (thats how we love it) to revel in the ski porn of No Turning Back. As always the footage, the scenery, the athletes and the shredding was phenomenal. But the buzz in the crowd was even better. Many of us here in Aspen have already been ripping on Ajax all there were a lot of stiff legs climbing the stairs at The Wheeler. Hosted by one of Aspen's favorite ski bums Lane Johnson along with his able assistants and fellow POW chasers Chris Tatsuno and Casey Vandenbroek, No Turning Back resulted in a near riot. Well not really...but the crowd was pretty rowdy. Spurred on by the 3 headed emcees...the Wheeler turned into a full on dance party. One thing is certain...everybody was praying for POW.
Click for pix. Aspen T.R.E.E. (& Warren Miller).
The hostesses at Aspen T.R.E.E.. Service with a smile for 700 people.
It's always a blast at the Aspen T.R.E.E. free Thanksgiving Dinner.
The Wheeler exploded in a full-on dance party at Warren Miller's ski film No Turning Back