Hockey 4 Hope to Benefit Aspen Hope Center

Image: Morris Design, Inc. click 4 pix.It was a "battle of the first responders" at the 3rd annual Hockey for Hope to Benefit The Aspen Hope Center. The Snowmass Firefighters prevailed over The Aspen Police 5-4 in a tightly contested game.
HOCKEY 4 HOPE click 4 pix.
Hockey is a sport that brings people together and often times is a very emotional. That's why its appropriate that the Aspen Ice Garden hosts a benefit for The Aspen Hope Center. Established in June of 2010 by the Aspen Valley Foundation, the Aspen Hope Center offers 24/7 free access to licensed mental health professionals for info, referrals and crisis intervention.
Aspen is a paradise. Few realize that Pitkin County has a suicide rate that is 3 times the National average and twice that of the State of Colorado average. Colorado consistently has one of the highest suicide rates in the Country. Form your own conclusions. The Aspen Hope Center hopes to improve those unfortunate statistics. Aspen Hope Center helps educate and integrate people who are in need. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
CALL 24/7: ASPEN HELP CENTER. 970.925.5858
Hockey for Hope was good clean fun. Open skating at the Ice Garden, a silent auction, food and drinks and of course the big rivalry game. The Firefighters and the Cops have a friendly competition in general...but it was clear that both teams wanted bragging rights on the ice. It was a great game for a great cause.
Click 4 pix. HOCKEY 4 HOPE.
The Snowmass Firefighter ready for action. Hockey 4 Hope. Click 4 pix.
The Aspen Police: Hockey 4 Hope for Aspen Hope Center. Click 4 pix.
Hockey chicks at Hockey 4 Hope for the Aspen Hope Center. Click 4 Pix.
The Brain Trust at Aspen Hope Center. 970-925-5858. Clcik 4 pix.
Sandy, Renee & the Kids at Hockey 4 Hope. Aspen Hope Center. Click 4 pix.