Stars on Aspen Ice w/ Jeremy Abbott & friends

Jeremy Abbott back in Aspen, where it all started.It was a big warm WELCOME HOME to Aspen for skating star Jeremy Abbott.
The 2nd Annual Stars on Aspen Ice skating show took place last night at Lewis Ice Arena in Aspen. Presented by the Revolutions Skating Club of Aspen and featuring Olympic Medalist and home-grown Aspen Champion skater, Jeremy Abbott. Abbott is the current and 4-time men's figure skating U.S. Champion. Joining J.A. in the spot light were Gracie Gold, current U.S. National Champion and Olympic Bronze winner, Rosalynn Sumners 1984 Olympic Silver medalist and several other professional and amateur champions. In addition to the pro's, Aspen's Revlolutions Skating Club members played supporting roles at Sugar Plum Fairies, Reindeer, Pajama Kids and Mice.
Click 4 pix: STARS on ASPEN ICE
The stands at the ARC were packed for two shows on Saturday. AspenSpin got to experience the professional level skating extravaganza from the "on ice" VIP section. The Stars on Aspen Ice is clearly a major highlight on the jam-packed holiday calendar in Aspen. It's a fabulous family event. A slew of sponsors, local to Aspen and from beyond stepped up to provide support for the show as well as fantastic items for the successful silent auction. Stars on Aspen Ice under the direction of Peggy Behr has a huge following. The Revolutions skaters and their friends and families seem like a close knit bunch and everybody turned out to see the show. VIP's were feted to a fully catered and heated lounge and a private autograph session with the stars. It was big-time fun for all who attended.
The Mice.Jeremy Abbott, who discovered his passion for figure skating as a 4 year old Aspenite brought his Olympic Bronze Medal from Sochi 2014 to share with his many friends and fans. Greeted with a HUGE bear hug from his 3rd grade teacher, Abbott seemed genuinely touched by the out-pouring of admiration from the SRO crowd. There were plenty of hugs and kisses being passed out throughout the night.
Stars on Aspen Ice was a magical show. One that included a wonderful spectrum of cast-members from the World-Class stars to groms who were cute as buttons. Many thanks to Jeremy Abbott's Mom, Allison for keeping AspenSpin in the loop and to Revolutions Skating Club for putting on such a spectacular show.
Click 4 pix: STARS on ASPEN ICE
The Entire Cast of Stars on Aspen Ice 2014. The tradition continues.
Jeremy Abbott and his Mom, Allison Scott along with his Olympic Bronze medal.
Stars on Aspen Ice: Jeremy Abbott and Gracie Gold.