The Pickle Recipe: Laugh your tuchas off

My cousin Sheldon Cohn is a funny, funny guy. Sheldon along with his producing partner Gary Wolfson and veteran Hollywood director Michael Manaserri have put their hilarious shtick on the silver screen. The Pickle Recipe stars Jon Dore, Lynn Cohn and David Paymer. You'll recognize these veteran actors when you see them. TPR's cast is not a bunch of shmendriks and schlubs and schmos...these are talented professionals.
I have not seen The Pickle Recipe yet...but the trailer is awesome. The story revolves around Joey and his bubbe Rose. Joey needs money and he thinks Rose's secret family pickle recipe is the solution to his cash crunch. Joey has underestimated his bubbe's chutzpah and her desire to keep the recipe a secret. Knowing Sheldon, there will be some tummalt and schmaltz involved along the way.
Obviously hilarity ensues. Based on the early reports from the film festival circuit, The Pickle Recipe is so funny you may plotz in your seat. It will be coming to theatres soon...but for now, enjoy the trailer below.
The PICKLE RECIPE (2016) IMDB click for cast and crew