Kelly Slater Wins the U.S.Open of Surfing.

Switchfoot Bro-Am 2011. Click 4 pixThe 7th Annual SWITCHFOOT BRO-AM presented by Hurley slayed it again in 2011 at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. Yeah, Bro-Am is a surf contest, a free concert and a vendor village, but it's waaaaay more. It's about a COMMUNITY coming together to give back to those less fortunate. STAND UP for KIDS is the recipient of all the money raised at Bro-Am. Stand Up for Kids is an organization that HELPS HOMELESS and Street Kids. Based in Atlanta, Stand Up for Kids has outlets in many major cities across America and is composed mostly of volunteers. Every day, Stand Up for Kids volunteers are out there trying to stabilize the lives of at risk teens.
Click 4 Pix: BRO-AM 7 Click to Donate: Stand Up for Kids
SwitchFootthe San Diego based surf-rock band inspired by faith just keeps getting BIGGER and BIGGER. They won a Grammy this year for their album Hello Hurricane. AspenSpin is willing to bet they surf better than any other Grammy winning band in the world. This year was Switchfoot's 7th Annual Bro-Am...and it keeps getting bigger too. The line-up of pro and bro surfers is stellar. 3-time World Champ, TOM CURREN always makes the scene. This year Hurley imported their A-Team to take the championship. Unique rules apply in this tag team event which requires each shredder to score one wave regular stance and take a wave swithchfoot, or goofy.... think throwing with your opposite hand.
Doing the swith dance at Bro-Am. Click 4 pixA gloomy morning evolved into one of those brochure-like crystal-clear So Cal. days at the beach. The 2'-4' contestable but tricky surf yielded some spectacular rides. As the surf contest wound down, the beach stage warmed up with some serious musical talent. Some "friends of the foot" started saving spots near the stage around 8 am. The bands killed it; Nena Anderson, The Howls , The Romany Rye, The Silent Comedy and of course headliner Switchfoot. NO DRUGS or ALCOHOL were consumed at Bro-Am. First of all drinking on the beach is illegal in San Diego and more importantly...the sobriety message is sent by both Swithchfoot and Stand Up for Kids. Getting it done without drugs and alcohol is a crucial factor to many of the Stand Up kids who attended and were feted with a back stage BBQ and VIP credentials. Living on the street is no day on the beach. These kids have it tough, in fact some of them have no home at which to do their homework.
The surfing, the beach time, the was a great day for everone. Swithfoot's singer/songwriter Jon Foreman has said over and over in many major media outlets..."it's my favorite day of the year". After 8 hours in the sand AspenSpin felt lucky to be alive. Tired, when our head hit the pillow, we couldn't get those STAND UP kids off of our mind. Where were they sleepin' tonight?
Click for pix. BRO-AM 7
Switchfoot Bro-Am 2011 presented by Hurley to support Stand Up for Kids.
Mia, Drew and Jon getting after it backstage at the 7th Annual Switchfoot Bro Am.
The Silent Comedy rocked Moonlight Beach in Encinitas at Bro-Am 2011
Switchfoot surfed hard and raaawked harder at Bro-Am 2011. Click 4 pix