AVSC 75th Anniversary Party

The Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club (AVSC) officially celebrated it's 75th Anniversary with a major blow-out bash at Bumps Restaurant at Buttermilk. AVSC is the largest local Winter Sports Club in the country. This season AVSC reached 2,175 participants, provided 675 scholarships and donated 300 sets of equipment. AVSC offers competitive and recreational programs in Alpine, Nordic, Freeride, Snowboard and Adaptive disciplines. AVSC has produced 23 Olympians, 19 X Games Athletes, 19 members of the Colorado Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame and countless numbers of U.S. Ski Team competitors and collegiate athletes.
75 years is an amazing acomplishment. Click 4 pix: AVSC 75
Everyone in Aspen is aware of AVSC's young athletes. They stand out on the mountain... buzzing around in a variety of distinctive uniforms, ripping up the terrain with skill and speed. While the competitive teams are known for their success, the mission of AVSC is to "Provide all youth in the greater Roaring Fork Valley an opportunity to develop as athletes and as people through Winter sports". The History of AVSC is illustrious. The club started in the Winter of 36/37, 10 years before Aspen Skiing Company. Learn more about the club, click TEAM AVSC.
AVSC is an exhaulted member of the Aspen community and it was no surprise that AVSC went BIG for their 75th. Everybody was there. Hands were shaken, backs were slapped and kisses and hugs were prevalent. Families with 3 or 4 generations of AVSC participants filled Bumps to capacity. Awards were given for Athletic Achievement, Vision, Family, Community Impact, Volunteerism and more. The award winners are a who's who of Aspen's A-Team. The Marolts, Bob Beattie, Jeff Gorsuch, Dick Butera, David Stapleton, Aspen Skiing Company, Gretchen Bleiler, Andy Mill and others.
AVSC also announced their plans to raise $15 million. $7.5 mil for the Bob Beattie Perpetual Endowment Fund to provide for under privileged kids. The other $7.5 mil for is training facilities, tramps, ramps, foam pits and hopefully a nordic jumping site. AVSC has already received pledges for more than $5mil, so they are well on their way.
It was a great night. Click 4 pix. AVSC 75
Gretchen Bleiler (with her husband Chris) received the AVSC Athletic Excellence Award
Aspen Ski Co. CEO Mike Kaplan accepted the Most Valuable Partner Award from AVSC. Click 4 pix
Wold Cup Skier Wiley Maple and his dude Sam met some AVSC ladies at the 75th. Cllick 4 pix.
Olympian Andy Mill kept it light as he accepted an Athletic Excellence Award. click 4 more pix.
The entire Marolt Family recieved the Legacy Award at the AVSC 75th. Click 4 pix.