Morcheeba Trip Hops in Aspen

Morcheeba Trip Hops in AspenMaybe it was the 30,000 POW verts we schralped in the foot of fresh today. Maybe it was the medicine. Maybe it was the fat-daddy steak we devoured at Pinons before the show. Maybe it was the good news that came our way today. Naaaaaah, It was the sultry, sexy, smoky, mysterious music produced by MORCHEEBA at Belly Up in Aspen, Colorado that got us going. Click 4 pix Morcheeba.
Trip Hop is an apt description for the British trio who cruised through a kick a$$ set in Aspen. Morcheeba whoose name loosely translates to "the way of Cannibis" is a phenomenal live act. Honestly, AspenSpin was not familiar with Morcheeba prior to the day of the show. We knew it sold out weeks ago. On Friday, as the POW POW fluttered on Ajax, everyone we encountered on the mountain was talking about Morcheeba. The sophisticated hippsters from NYC, the trustafarian hippies from Cali, the Argentine lifties, the dirt bag ski bums (with all due respect) ....everybody was going to the show....except AspenSpin.
Geeky as it may seem we sent out a facebook status seeking Morcheeba tix. Booya, within a half hour we had Morcheeba's band manager 's name and phone number. "You didn't get it from me" concluded the private message we received from parts unknown. A quick call and some super-fast talking...and BOOM! AspenSpin was ON the LIST!!! The deal got done. Sh*t like that makes the whole #sm thang worthwhile.
Click 4 pixWe got to Belly Up in time to catch Mr Anonymous, the opener. The DJ /Drum outfit had the crowd jam dancing with vigor. A-Spin had no pre-conceived notion about Morcheeba. We didn't google 'em or wiki 'em or i tune 'em. With zero expectations and very tired legs we scored a sweet stool at stage left. If its a hot show in Aspen and especially if its sold out...AspenSpin needs to be there. The anticipation on the main floor was building.
Morcheeba is tough to describe, but Vocalist Skye Edwards bedazzled the eclectic crowd with her soulful voice and her amazing gown. The Godfrey Brothers showed off their multi-instrumental prowess which produce a streaming conciousness of tonal sweetness. The captivating first song, By The Sea opened up all our senses and we slowly gave way to the melodic stylings and began to float and sway with the music. ....and the audience. Morcheeba is huge in Europe and we know why. Its difficult to put in click the MORCHEEBA pix. Morcheeba has a beautiful, distinctive musical style that transformed the Belly Up into well behaved "be-in". Everyone at the show seemed to love it. Now you know...Morcheeba is a "must see", they deliver the goods.