Kissing Babies and other campaign tales from Aspen.

Office Hours on Ajax. Vote: Andy 4 Aspen.I am now firmly entrenched in a political campaign in Aspen. I am running for City Council. There are 2 seats available and 7 candidates running.
Not just in Aspen...but all over America there seems to be a disconnect between the citizens and their elected officials. Trust...seems like a thing of the past in our country. Finally, I am moved to take action. To stand up and be heard. I'm not a politician...I'm a ski bum / blogger and a former numbers guy. Yes my education and experience is exceptional...but in this race that makes me under-qualified...or over-qualified depending on your viewpoint. But I will tell you one thing...I like it when other people under-estimate me.
Perhaps you've seen my simple platform:
1) No 7 hour meetings. Reasonable people do not conduct public businees at 1 am
2) Simplify the Zoning Code. Lets make one set of rules and enforce them consistently.
3) Fiscal Responsibility. Just because Aspen has a $100+ million budget, doesn't mean we need to make poor decisions about money.
I've learned a lot in the first week of my first campaign. I've learned its easy to be a critic and very difficult to be a leader. I'm going to do my best, because I believe in the future of Aspen, because I love Aspen and I want to help Aspen be the best Aspen possible, and I'm just the guy to do it.
So I'm out there kissing babies and other stuff.
Aspen Democratic Forum (video)
Aspen Times on Election Social Media