Public Enemy in Aspen.

Public Enemy in Aspen.Aiiiiight. Aiiiiight. Aiiiight. Yeeeeahhh. Aiiiiight, Yeeeeeahhhh Boyeeee.
Public Enemy and their hip hop crew played a SRO show in Aspen last night. Flavor Flav, Chuck D. and their entourage which includes Professor Griff and S1W are perhaps the most influential rap act of all time. Coming out of Long Island in the early 80's Public Enemy connected with disenfranchised African American youth through their politically charged lyrics and unruly stage presence. The white kids from the suburbs caught on later and made PE one of the top selling Hip Hop groups of all time. Their album FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET is preserved in the Library of Congress.
Hype Man, Flavor Flav is the self proclaimed #1 reality TV star of the decade. He also hyped his restaurant in Clinton, Iowa...Flav's Fried Chicken...or FFC. Its located across the street from KFC. They played all their hits, Welcome to the Terrodome, 911 is a Joke, Don't Believe the hype and of course Fight the Power. The crowd...mostly white males...loved Public Enemy. Even after a siiiiiiiiiiiiiick POW day in Aspen, the hip hop energy in the crowd was palatable as Flav and Chuck D. battled the altitude and the decades to produce a killer show.