Plastic Bags are BANNED in Aspen.

Aspen, Colorado bans single use plastic bags at grocery stores. The ban is effective 5/1/12
Solana Beach, California voted to ban single use plastic bags at grocery and retail stores and restaurants. The ban will go into effect in approximately 3 months. s
Act Locallly / Think Globally
On May 1, 2012 Aspen's three grocery stores will ban single use plastic bags. Plastic bags will no longer be an option. City Market, Roxy's and Clark's Market will also impose a 20 cent fee for paper bags. Carbondale is banning single use palstic bags too. The City of Aspen is offering free cloth bags (while they last). Click 4 details and other environmental tips from The CITY of ASPEN
Last week the Solana Beach, California City Council voted to ban the use of plastic bags in Grocery Stores, Restaurants and Retailers. A 10 cent fee will apply to each paper bag used. Click here for the story. Solana Beach bans Plastic Bags
Upon first glance a required ban of plastic bags in Aspen (population 6,658) and Solana Beach (population 12,867) seems like a drop in the bucket. These are two very small in the Rocky Mountains and one in So. Cal. on the Pacific Coast. What they have in common is, both cities heavily rely on the environment for recreation, tourism and lifestyle. In Aspen its the skiing and riding, the hiking, biking, fishing, camping etc. that make it happen. In Solana Beach its the surfing and sponging and SUPing and fishing etc. that carry the day.
According to the WorldWatch Institute a plastic bag ban in China has reduced usage by 66% and saved 40 billion bags and 1.6 million tons of petroleum. Before the ban China was using 3 billion bags a day
It took me a while to realize how these "baby steps" can help and how important they are. Start in your own backyard, in your own neighborhood, in your own town. Everybody needs to change their behavior immediately because climate change is upon us. I'm not a scientist or a meteorologist, but I can see the weather changing right before my eyes....and I don't like it. The entire World needs to react and take care of business. Acting locally can have a tremendous impact on a Global problem.
Don't delay, start today. It's not B.S. Take baby steps in your own house.