Back 2 Back Parties Plan your POW Day. Click 4 pix.It was a nice little Tuesday during the off season (almost). 2 parties in one night at the same place, Sky Bar.
The first soiree was in honor of Phil Le Roux, a 10 year Aspen vet and one of the top ski instructors at Aspen / Snowmass. He's pulling the plug. Guernsey's heading to Verbier to start his own ski and guiding company. We wish him the best of luck on his new entrepreneurial adventure. Click the pix to see yourself on FaceBook; BACK 2 BACK Parties.
Thew second bash was the unofficial kick-off for Ryan Boudreau and Cory Gates are blowing it up BIG time on the internet. Their weather site is stroming Aspen. good luck to those guys as they try to predict the weather and help "plan your POW Day".
Some of you may have seen my comment on FB about Wagner Park being closed for 3 months as an accommodation for The Food and Wine Classic (a 3 day event). I'm calling bullsh*t on that. I remember when people came to Aspen for the NATURAL BEAUTY, the RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES and the LAID BACK VIBE. Now we need to offer Veuve Cliquot and Fireworks to attract the crowds. I've opined before about the economic impact of some of our special events. I keep hearing how "great" they are for the community. Tell me, how great are they? Let's put a number on it. How many room nights, how many growlers of beer, how many fly fishing trips. What's the true economic value? No one loves events more than AspenSpin...but at what cost? And for whose benefit. Follow the dollars. Do the numbers, City of Aspen, before you tell us how "great" the events are and use our should measure the impact.
I give Aspen / Snowmass credit for tweeting honestly about today's high winds, lightening and the Gondy being on hold. When I saw the Limelight tweeting about the snow...I had to laugh.
37The Limelight Hotel @LimelightAspen
"A little birdie just told us that it's snowing on top of #Aspen Mtn right now. There's a bit more winter out there yet! @AspenSnowmass "
Maybe it will snow this weekend? We're counting on it.
Phil "Guernsey" Le Roux and his boys. Good luck in Verbier, mate.
Amanda showing her Aussie its done Aspen Style. Click 4 pix.