Sarah J. Burke. Golden Girl

We got some terrible news via social media late this afternoon. Sarah J. Burke, 29 of Squamish B.C. a professional skier was seriously injured in a demo run at a sponsor event in Park City and airlifted with a respirator to Salt Lake City.
Sarah is a pro's pro...and a very sweet young lady and a pioneer of her sport... skiing super pipe. She's a 4-Time X-Games Gold Medalist...the first Woman to go REALLY BIG. She's a sponsor's dream... a beautiful sexy blue eyed blonde with a thousand watt smile...who is super-nice to everyone. She's's hard not to love her.
Sarah Burke has graced the digi of AspenSpin on numerous occasions.
Details are sketchy, but we're under the impression that it's a head injury. "Very Serious" according to the Vancouver Sun.
Sarah Burke is a BIG, BRIGHT SHINING STAR and we are praying for her full recovery.